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Photographer Profiles

Sean Tamblyn follow-up: Winter Lighthouse

In this second follow-up to our piece on Sean Tamblyn's Georgian Bay photography, we look at how Sean's remote camera work (developed during his shuttle project) led him to...
Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor


January 28, 2020


0 minute read

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Chasing The Light & The Photographer’s Mindset

Photographers have been chasing the light since the 1820s when Nicephore Niepce successfully recorded an image using camera obscura. Before Nicephore Niepce, there were pioneers...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


November 11, 2019


18 minutes read

1692 Shirt Tails
Photographer Profiles


The 4th in our series on photographers and the environments in which they work takes us out onto the waters of Georgian Bay in Ontario....
Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor


November 6, 2019


1 minute read

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Landscape & Environment

What is the Anthropocene to us?

In the essay associated with his Anthopocene Book, Edward Bertynsky observes: “Our Planet has borne witness to five great extinction events, and these have been...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


October 16, 2019


10 minutes read

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Photographer Profiles

Charlotte Gibb follow-up: Art, Design and Photographic Composition

In this bonus video to our popular piece on Charlotte Gibb's work in Yosemite National Park, Charlotte talks to us about how her art and...
Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor


September 12, 2019


0 minute read

LL Ramsey 06
Landscape & Environment

"Antechamber": LMRamsey's Points Of Departure

“A good photographer not only documents an object, she uncovers it.”Laura Margaret Ramsey Where do computer vision, ecology, the future of photography/printing and the archiving...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


September 7, 2019


5 minutes read

08 Incubation X
Landscape & Environment

What is Equivalence ?

A change of perspective is a change in state. Jean Piaget reminds us that, “What we see changes what we know. What we know changes...
John Paul Caponigro

John Paul Caponigro


August 19, 2019


9 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

The Art of Yellowstone Algae

The Art of Yellowstone Algae Yellowstone National Park is a geologic wonderland and one of the most unique places on earth. More than a third...
Peter Dulis

Peter Dulis


July 31, 2019


8 minutes read