

About The Luminous Landscape

21 Years and 5800+ Articles Later

Michael Reichmann started The Luminous Landscape in 1999 after his friend Chris Sanderson suggested that he take some of the magazine articles he had written over the years and repurpose them for the web. “What do I know about publishing on the web“, Michael replied?

It wasn’t long though before Michael had a few articles formatted and had learned enough HTML to create a small website. The rest, as they say, is history.

The history though is not what he had anticipated at the time. Michael thought it would be a little hobby website – something to pass the time while he looked at what he was going to do next. (He had just sold a hi-tech company that he had co-founded ten years before, and wasn’t quite ready for retirement).

The reality is that after he posted his old articles from Photo Techniques magazine, where he had been a Contributing Editor, and other magazines, he started writing new ones and also started to receive contributions from other authors. The years have just flown by. This site now has more than 5400 pages with essays, reviews, editorials, and images.

Workshops became another major aspect of LuLa’s evolution. He had taught photography, Cibachrome printing, and view camera technique at the community college level for years, and when he started to travel to exotic locations for his own photography it seemed a natural thing to bring others along. We have now conducted photography workshops and expeditions to every continent, including more than a dozen countries and some of the world’s most exotic locations.  We set ourselves apart from others in what we offer and how our workshops are run.  We will be launching a fresh series of workshops over the coming months and do hope that we will be able to meet you on one of these journeys.

The Luminous Landscape continues to evolve.

Our readership has thousands of visitors a month from almost every country on the planet. You are one of them, and we appreciate you visiting here, whether you’ve just discovered LuLa or you’ve been a long-time friend. Welcome, and welcome back. The days ahead are going to be as interesting, fun and informative as those in the past.

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