Christopher has: 1 articles
Christopher Gampat

Christopher Gampat

"I flash things for a living" is Chris Gampat's main statement these days. Chris Gampat got his big break in the photo industry when the Director of Magnum Photos America saw something in his blogging abilities. He went on to help with a special blog around the time that President Obama was elected. He's had his hands in wedding photography, photojournalism, product photography, portrait photography, etc. His main way of paying the bills and eating the ungodly amount of pizza that he does is through the Phoblographer: a website he started years ago. It's a popular photography blog that examines the psychology of photographers and why they create and is targeted towards real-world situations.

Chris Gampat La Noir Image product images 6 of 6ISO 4001 100 sec at f 3.2 1

Working Towards A Dream

Publisher’s Note: The community for providing photography based internet content is rather small.  Several times a year most of the top sites owners or representatives...
Christopher Gampat

Christopher Gampat


May 12, 2016


8 minutes read