George has: 3 articles

George Barr

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Taking Your Photography To The Next Level #2

Part Two of a Three Part Series  Assessing Your Technical And Aesthetic SkillsWelcome back to part 2 of a three part series on finding your...

George Barr


August 27, 2012


17 minutes read

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Taking Your Photography To The Next Level

Part One of a Three Part Series  IntroductionPhotographers go through stages of development, and while we don’t all follow the same path, an understanding of...

George Barr


August 27, 2012


11 minutes read

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Next Level Part III

Part Three of a Three Part Series In thefirstof the three part series on ‘Finding Your Level And Moving On’ we defined the levels. In...

George Barr


August 27, 2012


29 minutes read