Rodger has: 1 articles
Rodger Kingston

Rodger Kingston

I’m a documentary photographer living in Boston, MA. For over forty years I worked for a variety of private and corporate clients including Harvard University, Northeastern University, St. Johnsbury Trucking Company, and Westinghouse Learning Corporation. Now on my own, I only take (or generate) assignments that interest me. For the past decade I’ve worked as a volunteer photographer for the political campaigns of candidates I’ve supported, notably John Kerry, MA Governor Deval Patrick, and Barack Obama. In the 1970s I had a photo gallery, The Photographic Eye, Inc., in the center of Harvard Square. In the 80s and 90s I ran a small Cibachrome printing business out of the basement of my home. Off and on over these years I’ve taught in various local photo and art schools and workshops. And for many years during and after I had the gallery I was a dealer in vintage photographs and rare and out-of-print photo books. I’ve had numerous museum and gallery exhibitions, and my photographs are in many private, corporate, and museum collections throughout the United States, including the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the Fogg Art Museum, and the National Museum of American Art. I have published several other books and catalogs, including Larger Than Life, an exhibition catalog, in 1989; New American Photographs, in 2007; The Waterworks Series in 2011; Searching for Edward Hopper, in 2014; as well as American Icons, A portfolio of ten original Cibachrome photographs, in 1986.


Searching for Edward Hopper

Complimentary Article Searching for Edward Hopper Let me begin by stating that despite its title, “Searching for Edward Hopper” was never a shooting project where...
Rodger Kingston

Rodger Kingston


July 22, 2015


9 minutes read