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Howard Shooter

Howard Shooter

"Howard Shooter is an award winning food photographer with over 20 years expertise. He recently came third in the Category “Food Adventures” Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2016. Howard developed a passion for photography from a very early age and is a very keen cook (something his wife and kids are delighted about!). He specialises in photographic re-branding and all things food related whether they be studio, location, portraits or film, flash or daylight. He has created a purpose built food studio in Camden, London where he works with a team of the best food and prop stylists. His attention to detail and passion has helped him create an international reputation and has built him a global client base that includes Walkers Crisps, Pepsi co, Marks and Spencer, KFC, Lipton, Mars, Hellman’s, The Hilton Group, Weetabix and Wagamama to name a few. He also has a food photography hire studio, which is considered to be one of best equipped in London. Howard has been instrumental in contributing to Design Bridge, winning a DBA Design Effectiveness Award for his work with KFC, as well as this, he was a finalist for the 2013 and 2014 Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year. By the way… Shooter is his real name.”

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Food Photography With A Phase One Camera

When I started out 20 years ago, the perception of food photography was that it was for squares. It was a niche, more about model...
Howard Shooter

Howard Shooter


October 13, 2016


5 minutes read