Alain has: 156 articles
Alain Briot

Alain Briot

Alain Briot creates fine art photographs, teaches workshops and offers DVD tutorials on composition, raw conversion, optimization, printing and marketing. Alain is the author of Mastering Landscape Photography, Mastering Photographic Composition and Marketing Fine Art Photography. All 3 books are available from Alain’s website as well as from most bookstores. You can find more information about Alain's work, writings and tutorials as well as subscribe to Alain’s Free Monthly Newsletter on his <a href="http://www.beautiful-landscape.com/">website</a>. You will receive over 40 essays in PDF format, including chapters from Alain’s books, when you subscribe.

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Circular Fisheye Photography

It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. Henry David Thoreau 1 - Introduction Last year I wrote an essay about...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


September 1, 2015


19 minutes read

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About Black and White

Composition is the art of arranging in a decorative manner the various elements which the painter uses to express his sentiments. In a picture every...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


July 13, 2015


15 minutes read

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My Philosophy

My Philosophy 1 - Introduction This essay is the first in a series of essays focused on my work.  I thought it best to start...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


May 25, 2015


19 minutes read

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Fifteen Remarks on Composition

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein Dusk, Mono Lake, California Introduction Having a solid knowledge of...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


April 22, 2015


6 minutes read

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Why Photoshop is not Ruining Landscape Photography

In nearly all matters related to art, what is most important is your opinion, not the opinion of others who, because of the nature of...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


April 2, 2015


10 minutes read

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Vision Part 14 Mentors

The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward 1 - Can Anyone Be An...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


February 15, 2015


15 minutes read

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Reaching Your Goals in 2015

What you get by achieving your goals is not as important  as what you become by achieving your goals. Henry David Thoreau 1 - Introduction...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


January 14, 2015


10 minutes read

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The Granting Process

In the order of nature we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them, or only seldom.  But the benefit we receive must...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


December 20, 2014


11 minutes read