Hugh Brownstone

Hugh Brownstone

Hugh traded in a corporate life on Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry to start Three Blind Men and An Elephant, a small production company with large animal logo serving. He has written extensively for planet5D and now creates original content for his own blog and YouTube channel. He is also an optioned screenwriter and author of Apple’s iPhone: The Next Video Revolution.
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Articles by Hugh Brownstone

Panasonic GH5 Real World Autofocus and Low Light Test (Kind of)

You can argue that the Panasonic GH5 (Amazon)is a litmus test, telling us at least as much about the people who love it or loathe it

Sleepless Over Sony’s a9 – What Is It Really, and Who Is It For?

Yes, the a9 is sick-fast, arguably sickest-fastest general purpose camera out there. But I actually lost sleep after shooting with it for a full day,