Kevin has: 262 articles
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber

Photography is my passion and has been for 45 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of pictures taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through Rockhopper Workshops and other projects as well as teaching at my Gallery in Indianapolis.

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Kevin and Michael's Toy Shop

Michael and I are both recovering camera gear addicts.  We also receive a great deal of equipment for review. We are always looking at what...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


November 11, 2013


1 minute read

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New Zealand Experience - A LuLa Workshop

Section Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut lorem et nulla condimentum sodales nec rhoncus arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst....
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


November 2, 2013


3 minutes read

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About Luminous-Landscape

I startedThe Luminous Landscapein 1999 after my friend Chris Sanderson suggested that I take some of the magazine articles I had written over the years...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 28, 2013


2 minutes read

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Antarctica - The Experience

"Having been to Antarctica with Michael and Kevin, I would say after having traveled the world and shot nearly my entire life as an exhibiting...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 17, 2013


3 minutes read

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Advertise With Luminous-Landscape

To Find Out More About Advertising Opportunitieson The Luminous Landscape Please Contact Kevin Raber    With the new design of the Luminous-Landscape web site there are now...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 13, 2013


1 minute read

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Advertising Policy - Luminous-Landscape

Luminous-Landscape is a web site dedicated to photography enthusiasts all over the world.  Advertising provides one source of the revenue we need to maintain the...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 13, 2013


1 minute read

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What's In Kevin's Bag

The Trip Photography by Mark Stothard Leaving for a photographic trip takes a lot of planning.  Michael and myself with Chris Sanderson leave for a...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 13, 2013


7 minutes read

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Tree On A Hill

Tree On The HillNikon D800e With 80-400mm lens  Seeing it Is The First Part After working a good part of the day on Luminous-Landscape business,...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 13, 2013


9 minutes read