Mark has: 3 articles
Mark Schacter

Mark Schacter

Mark Schacter’s photography encompasses subjects ranging from landscapes to urban and architectural to industrial. Three books of his photography have been published: Houses of Worship (2013), Sweet Seas. Portraits of the Great Lakes (2012) and Roads (2010). He compares his approach to photography to “the way an archaeologist might search for clues about an extinct civilization. I see landscapes and cityscapes as being filled with traces of human striving – attempts to build things, enjoy life, raise families, create wealth or simply leave behind physical evidence that will outlast a human lifetime; evidence that says ‘someone has been here’ “. His most recent exhibition, a selection of 20 photographs from Houses of Worship, opened at the Photopolis Festival of Photography in Halifax, Nova Scotia in September, 2014. His latest project, West, can be seen on YouTube, in high-definition, at http://youtu.be/zU1dRHynaQU Mark lives in Ottawa, Canada. A broad selection of his work can be seen at www.luxetveritas.net

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Life As A Photographer

When I was invited to participate in this panel on “Life as a Photographer”, it was expected that I speak about things like “working with...
Mark Schacter

Mark Schacter


February 9, 2015


8 minutes read

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Am I A Photographic Cheat?

I recently had the good fortune to have a book of my photography published.  “Roads”  was released in 2010 by Fifth House Publishers, and my...
Mark Schacter

Mark Schacter


October 13, 2013


9 minutes read

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From Music

I want a photograph to catch your eye, pull you in and make you linger.  I want the image to have impact, be memorable, and...
Mark Schacter

Mark Schacter


October 9, 2012


7 minutes read