Nick has: 4 articles
Nick Devlin

Nick Devlin

GFX Front 63mm

FUJIFILM GFX 50S - The Medium Format Market Gets Interesting

Photokina News It’s Day 1 of Photokina 2016, and Fuji has already staked its claim on being the biggest newsmaker of the show by delivering...
Nick Devlin

Nick Devlin


September 19, 2016


3 minutes read

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Uniqball Review

Uniqball – a Unique Approach to Levelling by Nick Devlin @onelittlecamera In1974, Ernő Rubik invented the Rubik’s Cube.  A generation of us grew up twisting...
Nick Devlin

Nick Devlin


December 1, 2014


8 minutes read

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Gura Gear

By Michael Reichmann and Nick Devlin Gura Gear Back in 2008 I reviewed the original Kiboko bag from Gura Gear. It instantly became my favourite bag for when...
Nick Devlin

Nick Devlin


January 12, 2012


19 minutes read

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Pentax 645D - First Look Review

Click onHEREto play a 15 minute long video interview conducted by Nick Devlin with Bill Gouge of Pentax Canada regarding the Pentax 645D. Safari may...
Nick Devlin

Nick Devlin


October 7, 2010


6 minutes read