
January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

Font and back of printed invitation

For three weeks, beginning on March 3, 2005, a selection of photographs from Bangladesh, taken byMichael ReichmannandPierre Claquin, will be on exhibit at thePikto Galleryin downtown Toronto, Canada.

There will be anopening reception, generously sponsored byCanon, between 6 and 9pm on the evening ofThursday, March 3rd. The public is cordially invited.

All prints will be available for sale, and a limited edition portfolio of prints from the exhibition, by Michael Reichmann, will be premiered and made available at a special reduced price during the period of the exhibition. Pierre Claquin’s book,Surviving Dreams – The struggling circuses of Bangladesh,will also be available for sale.


Let’s Do Lunch

SeveralDiscussion Forummembers from out of town who will be coming to Toronto for the show have written to request a get-together. I have therefore scheduled a group lunch on Friday, March 4th. If you would like to join us, pleasedrop me a line.


From The Press Release

For two weeks in early January, 2005, Michael Reichmann and Pierre Claquin lead a photographic expedition to Bangladesh. A select group of photographers accompanied Michael and Pierre in a photographic exploration of one of the world’s least visited countries – one where foreign tourism is almost completely unknown.

Michael Reichmann is a high regarded and widely published and exhibited fine-art landscape, wildlife and documentary photographer. He is also an educator, author and photographic industry commentator as well as primary author and publisher ofThe Luminous Landscapeweb site, andThe Video Journal, the world’s only quarterly DVD video magazine for passionate photographers.

Pierre Claquin is a French-born medical doctor and epidemiologist who has spent much of the past 13 years living and working in Bangladesh. He is also a highly talented photographer and has enjoyed several exhibitions of his work in Europe as well as Bangladesh. 2003 saw the publication of his most recent photographic book,Surviving Dreams – The struggling circuses of Bangladesh.

Together, these two photographers present in this unique exhibition a compelling visual insight into the people, the landscape and the life of Bangladesh. Pierre has more than a decade of in-country experience, along with a comprehensive knowledge of the language and the culture. Michael brings a fresh eye – one dazzled by the newness of the experience. Together these two exceptional photographers provide an insight into a country and people little known by the outside world.First and Lasting Impressions.

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Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

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