
January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann


Big Horn Ram #1, Grand Canyon‚ May, 2000

At about 6am, after overnighting on a sandbar beneath a shear cliff, someone called out that there were three big horned sheep on the cliffs above our campsite. My camera with 100~400mm zoom lens attached was already mounted on the tripod and virtually all I had to do was swing it around, frame the composition and press the shutter release.

The strong early-morning side light and cliff-face shadow silhouetting the ram all contribute to a bold and effective wildlife photograph. It was made all the more exciting for me by having been taken not more than 10 feet from my still warm sleeping bag.

Photographed with a Canon EOS-1V and 100~400mm f/5.6L IS lens on Fuji Provia 100F

Friendly Frogs, Grand Canyon‚ May, 2000

As we were loading the rafts one morning this pair of friendly frogs were sighted by the river bank. Not wishing to intrude on their private moment I used a long telephoto lens. Love can be found everywhere‚ even at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Photographed with a Canon EOS-1V and 100~400mm f/5.6L IS lens on Fuji Provia 100F

Condor, Grand Canyon‚ May, 2000

The condor is a highly endangered species. Recently several breading pairs have been released from captivity into the Grand Canyon with hopes of expanding the handful of birds extant.

We were fortunate in seeing this condor as it stood near the riverbank. It would have been wonderful to see it fly, but this was just fine. This was taken at 400mm from a moving raft.

I’ve cheated a bit by digitally removing the identification number tag on its wing. Art before science.

Photographed with a Canon EOS-1V and 100~400mm f/5.6L IS lens on Fuji Provia 100F

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Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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Michael Reichmann

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