We have: 6102 articles since 2001


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Camera & Technology

How large is your printer? (does the difference between 45 and 60 MP really matter)

A 44” Epson 9570 – it weighs about 250 lbs/115 kg, and it is wider and deeper than an upright piano. If you don’t have...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


November 20, 2019


15 minutes read

Apple 16 inch MacBook Pro Mac Pro Display XDR 111319 big.jpg.medium 2x
Camera & Technology

Macs for Photography?

Apple’s brand-new 16” MacBook Pro – it’s probably a great photographic workstation, but is it the only choice? For the more involved photographer (like most...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


November 14, 2019


32 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Adobe, Why Have you Forsaken Us?

The future of Lightroom looks distinctly cloudy This week is Adobe’s annual Adobe MAX conference, where they set the direction of their products for the...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


November 13, 2019


11 minutes read

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Chasing The Light & The Photographer’s Mindset

Photographers have been chasing the light since the 1820s when Nicephore Niepce successfully recorded an image using camera obscura. Before Nicephore Niepce, there were pioneers...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


November 11, 2019


18 minutes read

1692 Shirt Tails
Photographer Profiles


The 4th in our series on photographers and the environments in which they work takes us out onto the waters of Georgian Bay in Ontario....
Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor


November 6, 2019


1 minute read

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Camera & Technology

PhotoPlus booth rundown – Film says “ I’m not dead yet”

This piece and yesterday’s article on the general direction of the show were originally intended as parts of one article. While a technical glitch split...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


November 5, 2019


14 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

PhotoPlus Report (everything except digital cameras and lenses).

(extended version of this article here) Who says film’s dead? More view cameras at PhotoPlus than I’ve seen in years… Yes, the one on the...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


November 4, 2019


7 minutes read

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Photographer Profiles

Jeremiah Barber follow-up: Inventor

In this second follow-up to our video piece with Southern Utah photographer Jeremiah Barber, we look at one of Jeremiah's own inventions: the thinguma! Nick...
Nick Taylor

Nick Taylor


November 1, 2019


0 minute read