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Michael Reichmann

December 10, 2014 ·

Jacob Wise

Michael Reichmann, the founder of Luminous-Landscape and The Luminous-Endowment passed away on May 18, 2016.  We have dedicated a Founder’s Page to Michael.  This page honors Michael’s achievements and features the memories of Michael’s creation of this site as recalled by his wife Teya Flaster.  Michael was a good friend to many photographers around the world and was responsible for changing and influencing the passion of photography for many readers.  Please visit the founder’s page as well as reading the articles linked below.

Please Visit The Founders Page For More About Michael and His Accomplishments

Missing Our Friend

It’s A Sad Day For Luminous-Landscape

Michael Reichmann – Reflections

Blooper – So You Think Making Camera Review Videos are Easy?

A Short List Of Michael’s Many Accomplishments

— started making his living as a professional photographer some 45 years ago

— had his first fine-art / documentary gallery one-man show in 1963, with numerous exhibitions since

— exhibitions at the Pikto Gallery in Toronto; 2004, 2005, and 2006

— operated his own fine-art photography gallery and teaching studio in Toronto, Canada from 2007 – 2010

— first of several television documentaries on his work was aired in 1964

— over a 40 years period, his work has appeared in many magazines and books in 6 countries

— work has been collected by private collectors and by public galleries on two continents

— taught photography at the college level for 15 years

— taught photographic field workshops and seminars around the world on a regular basis

— an invited speaker at numerous industry conferences and symposiums in North America and Europe

— the author of more than 300 articles on photographic technique as well as equipment reviews

— biography listed in Who’s Who in Canada

— was a Contributing Editor at Photo Techniques Magazine for many years and also a regular columnist for American Photo magazine

— have tested and reviewed for print and online publications nearly every major camera system released in the past 30 years

— have been  a consultant to numerous companies with regard to product design and marketing

— an alpha and beta product tester for numerous companies

— hold six granted U.S. patents in communications technology

— store manager for four years for Canada’s largest professional photographic retailer

— was head of product development for two major software publishers

— was Product Manager and then national head of Sales and Marketing for a major Japanese manufacturer

— founded, have run, and have divested two high-technology publicly listed companies

— founder, publisher and primary author of The Luminous Landscape and the Luminous Landscape Video Journal

— Co-host with Jeff Schewe of best-selling training videos on Printing, Lightroom, and Photoshop, and with Kevin Raber on Capture 1

Founder of The Luminous Endowment for Photographers

May 2017

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