
February 11, 2011 ·

Miles Hecker


© Nancy Patrick



Temperatures range from 40 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit all year long throughout the redwood maritime region. Starting in May the California Current moves warm surface water away from the coast, bringing deeper, colder water from the ocean’s depths close to shore. This event creates a narrow band of fog which often shrouds the coast redwoods in life-sustaining moisture during the drier summer.

This fog, combined with the flowering of the California rhododendronmake the last two weeks in May and the first week of June the best time for landscape photography in the redwood coastal region.



The dense canopy created by the giant trees makes standard golden hour sunrise and sunset shots impossible in the Del Norte Coast Redwoods Park. The best time for photography is the late morning to late afternoon on a foggy day.

The low contrast light on such a day makes for excellent macro photography. The vast variety of ferns and other mossy growth create many opportunities for those interested in close up still lifes.

The photo above was taken at 28mm focal length on a full frame camera.


LENS: 24-70mm for 35mm sensor cameras, 17-55mm for crop sensor cameras


Slide films: Fuji Velvia 100


About Miles Hecker

Miles has been involved with photography for over forty years. He teaches digital photography at Casper College in Casper,Wyoming. His photos have won awards fromNatures Best magazine,, The Luminous LandscapeandWyoming WIldlife . Miles’ photos have been published in American Vignette, Backpacker Magazine, Natures Best Images, Popular Photography, Wyoming Audubon, and Wyoming Wildlife. He is co-founder ofWyoFOTO LLC.

                                                                                                                                                            February, 2011

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