Turning Fourty

August 27, 2012 ·

Bernard Languillier

Looking back at old files recently, I realized that about 10 years ago I became the proud owner of a Nikon D100. This 6MP body was best in class back then, providing excellent image quality at an affordable price. That was one year before I joined Luminous Landscape.

I had turned 30 a few days before and considered myself to be a wise old man; much smarter than you.

Until then my main camera had been an F100 that I still own. Except for a sticky rubber back, the F100 still works perfectly today and I still use it from time to time. I like its viewfinder and the sound of the mirror bouncing back. I like the awareness of having… was it 36… chances to get it right.

I had to hand over a hefty 280,000 Yen to Yodobashi camera in Shinjuku, Tokyo to acquire this 6 mp beauty. I had never spent as much money on a camera. In fact I had perhaps never spent as much cash at once in my whole life. 

The D100 was a revelation. I’ll never forget the images I captured with it during the 2002 soccer worldcup in Japan. The Brazilian supporters going crazy about their semi final victory against Turkey. They still display the same energy when I look at the A3 prints I made back then from in camera jpgs on my pigment Epson. I do remember with amazing strength the emotions I felt back then just by looking at those prints.

D100 during the 2002 Japan Soccer Worldcup  

Now, 10 years later… my D800 is scheduled to show up in a few days, I bought it online through Amazon at the exact same price I had bought the D100 10 years ago in Yodobashi camera. It had taken a 30 minutes train ride to go get it then, it will be delivered to my home this week. More time to surf the web.

In the meantime my lens line up has expanded to include some of the best prime optics ever designed by talented engineers at Nikon, Zeiss and Leica, my printer can do B0 with better colors on better papers, software has improved tremendously both in terms of raw conversion and creative abilities. My photography is more controlled and consistent, probably more boring also.

D100 during the 2002 Japan Soccer Worldcup

I turned 40 last Sunday…  and today I am wondering… If I had the chance to shoot this same World cup semi-final next month, if I had the chance to feel the heat of those Brazilian supporters again… Would images captured with a D800 be any better than those I took with the D100 10 years ago? Would my A3 prints generate any more emotions and stand as more powerful time travel machines?


D100 during the 2002 Japan Soccer Worldcup

I turned 40 last Sunday… and my New iPad was just delivered. It is soon going to sit in the bathroom of my house and make those wonderful Brazilian supporters available in yet higher resolutions for my guests.

I turned 40 last Sunday… and I am so much wiser than I was 10 years ago.

Bernard Languillier is a landscape photographer based in Tokyo, Japan. 
Some of his work can be seen online at www.light-of-earths.com

March, 2012

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