Alain has: 156 articles
Alain Briot

Alain Briot

Alain Briot creates fine art photographs, teaches workshops and offers DVD tutorials on composition, raw conversion, optimization, printing and marketing. Alain is the author of Mastering Landscape Photography, Mastering Photographic Composition and Marketing Fine Art Photography. All 3 books are available from Alain’s website as well as from most bookstores. You can find more information about Alain's work, writings and tutorials as well as subscribe to Alain’s Free Monthly Newsletter on his <a href="http://www.beautiful-landscape.com/">website</a>. You will receive over 40 essays in PDF format, including chapters from Alain’s books, when you subscribe.

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Landscape & Environment

Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs:
 Part 2: Along a Canyon Wall

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see. Edgar Degas Along a Canyon Wall #1 1 - Introduction: projects and mini-series...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


June 10, 2019


14 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Creating Artistic Landscape Photographs Part 1: Flare is Beautiful

Seek not perfection for you can never reach it. -Salvador Dali Flare is Beautiful 1 - Introduction: constructing images I construct images. This is what...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


April 29, 2019


15 minutes read

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Photographer Profiles

What is Personal style?

1 - Introduction In photography our personal style is the visual expression of our personal taste and personality. Your personal style defines what your photographs...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


March 21, 2019


13 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Turning Photographs Into Art
 Part 9 - Printing on the Epson SC-P600

The Epson SC-P600 1 - About printing and printers Printing is the least popular digital photography activity today. We capture a lot of digital photographs,...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


January 29, 2019


17 minutes read

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Turning Photographs Into Art
, Part 8: My Favorite Printing Papers

The outcome of all your efforts is ink on paper, therefore you better use the best ink and the best paper. Ansel Adams, paraphrased and...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


January 3, 2019


21 minutes read

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Turning Photographs Into Art Part 7: Printing from Lightroom Part C - Color Management

Sandstone Abstract 1 - Introduction: about printers If papers are important, something I discussed in my previous essay, printers are just as important.  After all,...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


December 13, 2018


20 minutes read

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Turning Photographs Into Art Part 6: Printing from Lightroom Part B - Templates and Soft Proofing

The Lightroom Interface in the Develop Module 1 - Introduction It is seeing original prints from master photographers that inspired me to create my own photographs...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


November 14, 2018


18 minutes read


Turning Photographs Into Art Part 5: Printing from Lightroom A - Selecting, Editing and Creating a Layout

The Lightroom Interface in the Print Module 1 - Introduction: why printing your work is important An important aspect of turning your photographs into art...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


September 28, 2018


13 minutes read