Angelo Ioanides

Angelo Ioanides

Angelo Ioanides is the founder and publishing editor of Extraordinary Vision Magazine. Driven by his conviction that an image's ultimate source of power is derived from your creative vision, Angelo first published EV Mag in 2012 to serve as the outdoor photographer's source of insight and inspiration. Since then it has become the #1 outdoor photography magazine in iTunes. Discover the beauty and inspiration of EV Mag for yourself. Click here to get 13 Issues (includes the current issue as well as the next two issues) absolutely free.
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Articles by Angelo Ioanides


Fail Forward And Fail Hard

When we look back on our childhood educations, it’s remarkable how much time we’ve invested learning information that we’ve subsequently never applied. Some would argue



Positive Use Of Negative Space

If you’ve been reading EV Mag for any significant length of time, chances are you’re familiar with my belief that the most critical ingredient for