Mike has: 1 articles

Mike Broomfield

Mike retired from the high tech industry in 2015 (30+ years with DEC and Intel as a Manufacturing Process Engineer making computer chips) and about a month later drove from Cape Cod to Buffalo for his 1st visit to Silo City, having seen some of the images Kevin Raber posted on Luminous Landscape (mainly enamored with the steam pump images having visited Waterworks in Boston). His photographic journey started in his 20’s taking landscape images while hiking in the Lake District and Scottish Highlands in the UK. “I wanted to be able to transfer those scenes to prints on my wall and feel as though I were there.” Printing is still one of the main drives behind his photography. On moving to the US he switched from color to black and white, and medium, then large format before the digital age. He considers himself an “any” scape photographer; ie landscape and industrial landscape, cityscape, seascape etc and has been using light-painting in the early morning, nighttime and indoor photography over the last few years to help with the final vision of these scenes.

Shadow of Lake and Rail
Landscape & Environment

Silo City Revisited

American elevator reflection Michael Reichmann and Kevin Raber have both visited "Silo City" of course (Silo City comfort zone,  Challenging yourself to see different)  and in...

Mike Broomfield


November 26, 2018


9 minutes read