Michael has: 4561 articles
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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  The Emperor's New Clothes Believing Ones Own Eyes Every now and then I write something that gets people's hackles up. Usually it's when I...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


5 minutes read

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Digital is not polaroid

Adjusting to a New Reality One thing that the huge amount of correspondence that I've received regarding myD30review (Nov. 2000) has made clear to me...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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Epson / Snow Leopard Woes

I usually like to work with state of the art tools.  Add to that having a teenage son that loves technology, and you will immediately...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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Sinar Hy6

A Bit of History At the bi-annual Photokina trade show in Cologne, Germany last October,Franke and Heideckeannounced the Hy6 medium format camera. Simultaneous with this...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


29 minutes read

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Waiting for The Next Model

A day doesn't go by when I'm asked, "Should I buy theWhatsitFlex,or should I wait until the next model comes out?" One sees this on...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


5 minutes read

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PMA 2005

This is by no means a comprehensive report on the show. I am attending for only two days, and will simply be commenting on those...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


9 minutes read

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In Control Photographers are control freaks. Everything we do seems to be about exercising control over our tools and processes.Shutter speeds,aperture,choice of film speed,focus,focal length......
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


2 minutes read

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Canon Expo 2010 New York

Once every five years Canon holds a technology exposition. The latest took place in New York City during the first week of September, 2010. This...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read