Neal has: 4 articles
Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul is a career artist and educator. Retired from 30 years as head of the Photo Program at Northeastern University in Boston he is devoting his efforts full-time to making new pictures and bringing earlier work to a national and international audience. With over 50 one-person exhibitions over the length of his career, Rantoul has just finished two new shows that were in April 2013. One was at the Danforth Museum in Framingham, MA that opened in early April and another at the gallery that represents his work, Panopticon Gallery in Boston, that opened April 6. These two exhibitions emphasized more current work. The Danforth show was of “Wheat” and the Panopticon exhibition featured new aerial photographs of the islands off the coast of Massachusetts.

Wheat 2009 GR 01

Photographs of the Palouse from Above

I assume most of you know of the Palouse, in the SE corner of the state of Washington. Most have seen photographs from there and...
Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul


March 27, 2017


8 minutes read

Marthas Vineayd MA 2013 ©

A Disturbing Trend

Chappaqiddick I'm old. Believe me, I know it. I'll be 70 in a few months. That fact may make it hard for you to take...
Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul


August 3, 2016


8 minutes read

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Kenyon Labs Gyro Stabilizer

The Kenyon Stabilizer and Battery Pack When You Can’t Use A Tripod I wrote earlierabout photographing aerially. That article was intended to acquaint readers with...
Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul


September 3, 2013


6 minutes read

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Photographing aerially can be a wonderful experience and not difficult or prohibitively expensive. The resulting pictures from your shoot will blow you away, if you...
Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul


April 2, 2013


7 minutes read