Peter has: 2 articles

Peter Mc Lennan

Peter McLennan is a director/cameraman, formerly based in Vancouver. He spent several decades shooting projects ranging from car dealer commercials to Hollywood movies. His career took him to over fifty countries. Retired, he now lives in the Kootenays district of southeastern British Columbia.

Be There LuLa 17
Landscape & Environment

Be There - The Challenges Of Getting Out To Shoot.

We all know the aphorism “f8 and Be There”, it’s the basic mantra of landscape photography. Here on LuLa, we’re familiar with the “f8” part,...

Peter Mc Lennan


February 13, 2023


13 minutes read

Be There LuLa 17
Landscape & Environment

Be There - The Challenges Of Getting Out To Shoot.

We all know the aphorism “f8 and Be There”, it’s the basic mantra of landscape photography. Here on LuLa, we’re familiar with the “f8” part,...

Peter Mc Lennan


February 28, 2018


14 minutes read