Comments 2000

January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann


Visitor Comments 2000

I receive e-mail from time to time with both compliments and complaints.  Fortunately, the former exceed the latter by a considerable margin. 

To contact me via e-mail, please clickhere.

Here are some reader comments received during 2000…..

I just viewed your site and enjoyed my tour beginning to end. I’m an elementary school teacher with a new found passion for photography. When I see talent like yours, it makes me want to create images more than ever. You have been blessed with a wonderful talent. Thank you for sharing your creative talents.

I must say, I am most impressed with your evaluations, photographic capabilities and website.  I have learned more from this site than I can remember learning anywhere else.  Besides being truly talented, you have a way of expressing your thoughts in a way that is clear and inspiring.  

I am stunned… I am deeply touched… you did a great job… building this web site… providing all this information… wow! It has answered a lot of questions I had and where I couldn’t find people with the information. I am reading your pages for full two days now… good stuff.

You maintain a wonderful site. The equipment reviews are thoughtful, practical and comprehensive.

I just discovered your web site, and I wanted to thank you for it. The magnitude of useful information is astounding. I can’t wait to delve more deeply into your insights.

I have been on your site for the past hour and the more I see the more amazing it is! You offer something that no other site does and your knowledge and ability to communicate it is awesome, as the kids say. I am a former teacher turned photographer and am very thrilled to have found your site.

I love your sight … I recommend it to many of my photo type associates …. it is a great source of information offered to all who love to record the world around us with our cameras.

I think your website is one of the top sites I’ve ever visited. Tons of useful info. Well organized.

I must say the depth of coverage and passion is simply outstanding! I’m very challenged and encouraged by your commitment, passion and excellence.

I regularly read your work on your web site. Your work is marvelous, your teaching skills excellent and you should be commended for it.

Truly a world class resource. I visit often and always spend more time than I really should.

I just want to drop a note to let you know how much I appreciate the wonderful work you have done for the photographic community.  I know I have benefited greatly by your Photoshop articles, as well as you unbiased reviews.  You unselfishly share your expert experiences and technique, which few people are willing to do, and which will no doubt have great impact on people who want to get into the Photo/Graphics career.  Photography is my hobby 20 years and I enjoy it immensely, and more so recently when I started to use Photoshop to bring new life to some of my old photos, and your tutorials on Photoshop made a lot of differences. Also, you have given the world an example of how friendly and generous Canadians are. Thank you again and please keep up the excellent work you have done. 

I wish to express what a great web site you have put together-it is one of the best I have ever visited-on any subject. Thank you so much for your humble and unselfish sharing of your vast experience and progressive pursuit of this great profession.

Thank you for providing your wonderful website! I check it nearly every day, and am always impressed by the quality and quantity of information, tips, and beautiful images.

Thanks for providing such a great site. It’s refreshing to be able to visit a site with such consistently intelligent content.

I would just like to say thank you. I am an amateur photographer and your info on the "digital process" is invaluable. No where else have I found such a wealth of info regarding how to handle the digital negative. Your site reads as a "how to book" for people like myself who need to understand everything about printing and manipulating digital images.

What a great web site you have. I’ve spent a lot time reading your articles and have learned a great deal.

Thank you so much for your wonderful web site. It is beautifully done and has been incredibly helpful to me.

A great site!  One of the most intelligent, informative, & inspiring sites I have found (on any topic).  Please keep up the good work.

As I have read and looked through your site I become more amazed each day. There is more interesting and useful information there than I would ever have imagined possible. I still have only seen perhaps 15-20% of its content and I look forward to something new and exciting each time I open the site.

We have never meet and in all likelihood never shall but you have given me a tremendous insight into the mind of a talented professional photographer. As a bumbling amateur all I can do is say thank you.

I just want you to know, that both you and your website are a great source of comfort, inspiration, and support.  Many many thanks!!

I must congratulate you on your incredible web site. I cannot imagine the time and effort it has taken to build such a wealth of well thought out information. I would be happy to PAY for such information, but to have it available for free is just too good.

I’m a photographer and professional lens designer working mostly in the digital area, and am generally highly informed and opinionated about things pertaining to these fields.  I just wanted to say that your site is beautiful and that you have made the world a little bit better by putting your intelligence and passion on display.  I usually discover that when I read something by you that I disagree with it is worthwhile to revisit my opinion.  Thats a valuable thing.

Well done Michael!!!!!  A great article and I know you will keep it coming! I have learned so much from your site. It has made a difference in my life. Your thoughtful articles has lead to a sense of trust for me in what you have to say. I have never felt that you are supported in anyway by some big name photo co. like Moose’s site. Which has some good stuff in there, but I don’t think he ever saw a Nikon product he did not like. Thank you for my favorite site on the web. 

I cannot say enough about your web site and your photography. I have learned a great deal by reading your site and viewing your images. I hope you get as much pleasure from it as we do.

I have been devoting all of my free time at work to look through your website. I am full of admiration and awe. I have just started photography as a hobby so naturally I am breathless when I look at your work. You are truly a inspiration for me, thank you.

What a wonderful web site you have created.  The information alone will call me back many times as well as your beautiful photographs.  Thanks for maintaining such a great site, I’ll be back.

…your site continuously amazes me by its quality of design, information content and useful advice.

I think your website is visually spectacular and a wonderful source of information. Thank you for creating it. I have read almost everything in it.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful website — it’s chock full of everything.  The time you spend tending to it is greatly appreciated!  Very much enjoy your photographs as well.  

Just a quick line to tell you what a great job you have done on your website!! I love the entire package.. your photos are really something else!!…  Between your site, Moose Petersen’s and John Hersbt’s I feel like I’m getting a free education from the masters!!!

I’ve spent many hours now on your site reading all the articles and am thrilled by all the imformation that is being shared with others.

Michael – I find your site immensely rewarding for the images, critiques, evaluations, everything.  

I’ve been reading your web-page almost every day since I discovered it … and hope you can keep on doing this as long as you possibly can. Thanks a lot for this tremendous source of information !

Your critiques are an invaluable instrument of growth for non – professional landscape photographer (like I am), and certainly for professional ones too.

Michael, I just want to tell you what a wonderful and informative web site you have. I enjoy it very much and visit it everyday. Your  knowledge of photography is truly outstanding and has inspired me in many ways. I do hope you will keep it going for many years to come.

Thanks for your web site. It is, as you are probably inured to being told, absolutely inspirational.

Let me say I really appreciate your web site and all the fine info available there. In researching printers, I found it to be one of the best.

I visit your site daily for the next installment of photography wisdom… Thank you for your efforts and helpful information. Please keep up the good work.

Your site is a fantastic resource and much appreciated!

Great design and perhaps the most informative I have seen when it comes to the role that computers and digital tech play in photography.

Spectacular website! Thanks for putting this subject in such a palatable and useful format.

You’ve got a great site… I checked out your photos and was awed by the shots you got at Dead Horse point with the floating islands! The other shots were great but I personally felt the floating islands really sent a message.

It has been some time now that I have been coming now and again to your website. As a keen amateur photographer, I really fell for the sober presentation of your site that does justice to the works displayed.

I just went wildly clicking through your site (actually it’s a fairly good size intranet in itself) I was most impressed with what I saw. I will be back when I have more time tomorrow and I will need a lot (not just one day) because there is so much beauty and information. Thank you for the generous size of so many pictures. Magnificent!

Your website is amazing. Lots of terrific information.

I think your web site is wonderful–one of the best for serious photography if not the best… Thank you again for the great site which I visitseveral times a week.

Let me congratulate you on a wonderful web site, the information is very helpful for people like me that don’t have the time to me on top of all the latest news.

I have just stumbled across your site completely by chance … and was I pleased because In the process I’ve seen some of your amazing work.  All I can say is I am totally taken back by your photos – they are superb… I am blown away by your shots of the Slot Canyon in Arizona and the Elm within the Eiffel Tower. I am inspired. Anyway It’s great to see your fantastic work – cheers Michael  

I am learning a great deal looking through your web site and enjoy your magnificent landscapes.

I have found your site to be a great source of information on the digital realm, as well as inspirational from the excellent imagery.

Thank you for your wonderful information. As a novice in digital photography I find it extremely valuable.

Quite a lovely site! In fact, I think this is the nicest photo site I have seen on the Web (and I have been on the Internet since 1983).

…you’ve got a magnificent Web site. Thanks from all us for putting it up. Your photos and writeups are really great, too.

I wanted to compliment you on your web page. It is very informative and easy to use. I am just getting started in digital photography although I have been an amateur photographer for many years. Your articles about using photoshop are very helpful. Keep up the fine work.

Congratulations on your photography which shows an eye for the artistic as well as great technical knowledge and experience.

I stumbled upon your site about 2 months ago, and since then have been consulting it almost daily.  It is by far the most informative and easy-to-read site on photography I have yet seen.  Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Good luck and thank you for a wonderful web site, your effort has not gone unnoticed.

…thanks for your unselfish efforts to educate the world on the beauty of photography.

I was a couple hours and well into the night wandering about and being delighted with so many links, before I dragged myself from the computer and off to bed. Again, my heartfelt thanks for such a delightful experience which I am nowhere through with. I will return regularly.

Just wanted to say "thanks" for a great web site.  I recommend it at all my workshops and programs. 

While trying to find information on the Noblex I came upon your site. What a great pleasure it was to hear such candid words and see your consummately beautiful images.

Thank you so much for such an informative site! I have come back to it many many times over the last year.

I pop into your site regularly, seeing what’s new, looking at your latest photography, relooking at your older photography, and am continually reimpressed.  Your site is what the web is supposed to be about.  Your photography is what, in my estimation, photography’s supposed to be about.

Michael, You rock!!!  I’m continually impressed with the quality of information you offer on your site. This new critique section is most welcome.

Just a short note to say how much I enjoy your website. I frequent it daily and enjoy the information on the forums. I really enjoyed your Muskoka photos…. Its nice to see your great photos of the area.

I simply wanted to let you know how incredibly helpful your website has been. I wish I’d known everything I’ve learned from your website earlier. I could have worked a lot more intelligently in a number of instances and locales… Keep up the good work.

A first class site with lots of images and very useful information. Congratulations!

I just want to tell you how much I have enjoyed browsing your web site. It is fantastic.  I have just acquired  a digital camera, and your insights to the various aspects of digital vs film have been very enlightening. The pictures are great, and the narratives are excellent.  Very good .. A+. This would be an excellent site for a teaching reference. Thanks for the opportunity to visit with you ….

Just a short note to inform you that I find your site a source of inspiration and disillusionment at the same time. The disillusionment comes from wanting to be as good, but I guess you are many years ahead of this ageing carpenter.

First, your site is fantastic, and I see LOTS of sites. Second, your images are stunning. And third, your content and context has inspired me to jump back in to something I love so much, photography! …thank you for the (obvious) hard work and dedication you pour into your love of photography and your site. It is an inspiration.

I thoroughly enjoyed your web site and photographs. Based on what I’ve seen on the internet (which ranges from out-of-focus snapshots of deserts and mountains to David and Mark Muench’s web site), your work is better than 90% of what passes for landscape photography.

… my sincere compliments on your web site. It is among the most articulate and useful resources I have found… nice work and thanks for all you’ve invested in the site.

Today i visited your homepage and I’d like to tell you, that i like your pictures very much, they are really perfect.

You have a great site, I tell everybody about your site. I’m not even a landscape photographer.

All your pictures are a photography lesson…Thank you very much to make me dreaming….

I just had to contact you and say how great your sight is!  Easy to navigate, great info!!!!!  AAAAAA+++++ 

Just had to mail you to congratulate you on a fantastic informative web site…. will be viewing this site with immense interest now I have found it, once again Michael a job very well done, is a credit to you – thanks for your help – really appreciate this site.

… may I say that I love your web site and use it often for reference and inspiration. It is a true joy to use on a regular basis.

Have been visiting your site know for 4 months, terrific all round. Not only a great site for photographic inspiration and of excellent web design but invaluable to me as a source of information as I migrate to a digital darkroom. Additionally, I find your willingness to share technical information about your photographic work admirable. Too often I have found some photographers to "guarded" when asked about their techniques. Carry on – your site has gone a long way to re-kindled my love of photography.

Yours is one of the premiere sites on the web. I return to it regularly to get your opinions on equipment and techniques, and to read your email exchanges with the "world".

… your images and web site are a class act.

I am a serious amateur/aspiring professional photographer, and I have to tell you how much I enjoy your site. It is the most informative, well-put together site I have come across. Thank you very much- it is truly inspiring.

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your incredible site. I take my photography and printing very seriously, and have been helped tremendously by the information provided. I think you are both a great photographer and educator. Thanks again.

Exceptional web site Michael. Easy to navagate, simple presentation, great information. This will keep me busy reading for a few weeks.

I’ve been looking at your site and I must say it’s one of the most comprehensive sites on digital photography I’ve ever seen.

… you are doing a fabulous job, and are truly helping the photographic community!

I just discovered your web page. What a treat. It is a work of art in itself.

Re:A Grand Canyon Portfolio

Great trip, and great images…. after seeing the quality of your 35mm shots, it makes me wonder why the hell I shoot 8×10! Your scanner is excellent also… you have some of the best images I have ever seen on the web, what’s your secret?


I love your pictures. They are very very beautiful. I especially loved your waterfall pictures.


I wanted to say congratulations on The Luminous Landscape’s 1st birthday!  45,000 visitors in the first year is quite impressive.
 I also wanted to thank you for all the hard work you put into the site.  It has been and continues to be a source of inspiration to me as I develop my skills as a photographer.  Your work is truly wonderful, and has had a profound impact on me.  Thank you for sharing yourself with the world through an excellent site. 

Congratulations on your first year! You sure have done alot of work in a year to make this site as fine as it is Michael. This site is top favorite of mine. I drop in all the time.  Your articles on digital darkroom have been of great help to me and others. 

I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying and benefiting from your site — it’s an absolute feast!  For example hearing about the Epson Stylus Photo 2000P from your site first — that’s great

I just wanted to let you know what a great site you have. I have enjoyed it very much and It has been a great help

I love your website…beautiful site, wonderful images, and great information.

What a wealth of information – I have spent over an hour here and I have not even scratched the surface. Your photography is beautiful. I can’t wait to try your technique for fixing white skies. Thank you for sharing that. Definately a "bookmark" and on my list to tell friends about. You deserve to be commended for maintaining such an extensive site with no sponsership… Thank you for sharing your experience and talent.

discovering your website was a gift from God… beautiful work, incredible eye for beauty

Just visited your site. It’s awesome.Not only are you a really outstanding photographer, but your site isbeautiful, too.I’m really impressed. I’m also a photographer, but an amateur. Your workis simply magnificent.

…my compliments on your excellent evaluation piece on the 1270 —- and similar compliments on your overall web site, it’s very nicely organized and all material well presented.

Your websiteis great.  I have been considering purchasing an Xpan, and your site helped convince me to do so.  I also enjoyed seeing the 18 x 5 image. Please keep them coming. Thanks for the great website.

Excellent site! Even brand new mid-priced scanning/printing equipment is covered, which is what I was looking for. I doubt if the famous "Consumer Reports" crew could have been anywhere near as informative. This site must take lots of time & dedication but the results are top notch for both content, layout, and quality of external links. Duly bookmarked.

I’ve been teaching electronic imaging for twenty years and really enjoyyour execellent site.Keep up the great work.

Superb site, the best by far I have encountered on technicalissues relating to digital photography.

Your new "Instant Photoshop" feature is a godsend with wonderful tips and glorious clarity!  … your generosity in providing a wealth ofinformation on-line is one of the best examples of the glories of the Internet.

Some how or other I clicked onto your Website around midnight. "Just  another guy trying to….  uh… wait a minute. This looks interesting. Hmmm. He’s right. Yeah. That’s a good test. Hmmm. This guy gets to the point. Hmmmm. Let’s see what he says about…" Well, damn it, two hours later I was still exploring your site. Sheesh! Like I don’t have enough to do! I can’t believe I’m back today, and still reading… and still liking what and how you’re writing. I even like your way of seeing. Damn! I’ve got to get away from this computer and photography. I have trees to trim, eaves to paint…. but there’s just one more thing I’d like to see.  Oh boy. Here I go again. On a photography site no less! I can’t believe it.

 Wonderful Website, Michael.

I commend you on your incredible web site! … spent several hours absorbing the vast amount of information on your site, and enjoying the incredible photography... I found your reviews and descriptions to be "dead on."

Your website is both beautiful and useful.Thanks.

Thank you for a very great site! I find it very informative and I like the hardware "test" pages and the comparation pages

… your photography is a work of ART!!! Beautiful…

This is one of the best photography web sites I’ve ever seen – and I’ve seen thousands. Keep up the great work!

… to drop you a line to congratulate you for building one of the best and informative photographer websites I have seen.

Your website is just outstanding and I can just spent hours searching through it.

I find that your site has been very helpful in my understanding of photography and have given me new ideas on how to improve.

I love your website – so gorgeous!

…you’ve got a really nice website with great images and interesting information- keep up the good work.

Your photos are unbelievable!

What a wonderful and informative web-site. I plan to spend many hours going over the vast amount of information and photographs. You have done an outstanding job and I look forward to addtional updates.

Your work is great. Your site is one of the morecompelling web sites I’ve encountered. Thanks for sharingsuch excellent photographs and information.

Excellent & I mean "Excellent" site. Love your reviews & photos. I’m thoroughly impressed. Keep up the brilliant work, I’ll visit regularly.

I am overjoyed at this site.  I feel this site speaks directly to me and for that I am grateful, especially for the technical data and general helpful hints. Thanks again for the spreading of your knowledge.

A friend suggested this site, and I’m so impressed with the quality of the work posted and the useful reviews of products.

I want to tell you that you have the best site I have seen on Photographyon the Web. It is fast, Informative and has a great layout.

Thank you for a wonderful web site. The photographs, advice and thoughts areall excellent!

Very enjoyable images, and worth studying for travel tips and other gems.

I just wanted to extend my compliments to you on your website and some of the fantastic pictures within it!  I was particularly interested in your Ontario photographs. 

Thanks for such a great sight; your content is pertinent, well presented and very helpful.

I am truly impressed with this site. It is superb. Content is great.

just to say what a great site you’ve put together – its been a real help inmy search for scanner & colour sync info.

man,you are awesome!! we thank you for this approach and your dedication.

I really enjoyed the Arches fotos you took in January… As always, Keep up the great work that you do. … Thanks for sharing your work with the world.

Your site is very informative, and the photography is outstanding,however, your layout is very confusing… really stunning shots!

Thanks for all the great photos you keep putting on your site. Especially enjoy the technical comments too.

…thanks for your wonderful site! I really have been enjoying exploring the many excellent images and reading your thoughts on them.

I greatly appreciate …. your knowledge afterlooking through your most excellent site (one of the best I have ever seen,if not the BEST!!!. There is SO much info there, I will be spending quite abit of time there learning some very important things. 

Thanks again and congratulations on this most excellent site. I will passit on.

A short note to let you know how much I enjoy your web site. It is extremely well done, intelligent and timely (for example, I found out about the new EOS 1V, Epson 1270, … from your site). I especially like your "hands on" reviews, like the new 30 mm lens for the XPan.

Re:Southern Utah in Winter 

Michael – Thanks for posting this series of images. I really enjoyed the experience of seeing through the (very talented) eyes of three different photographers in the same locale. Your web site has been a terrific resource for me.

… your work is really worth seeing. Please keep telling us outdoorphotographers when your homepage has some news again.

Thanks Michael, great pictures that demonstrate that good photography isachievable when the weatherdoesn’t necessarily want to cooperate! The panoramas are excellent, I can seewhy you like the XPan.

… you are the greatest promoter of fine art approach to photography known to me !! I want to truly thank you from my heart for your fine site… It is truly rare occasion (in this "ME first" world) that someone would share freely his BEST … with others to help them to find their best in them … you are doing just that Michael.

I really like your site. It has real useful info.

What a great site. It is fantastic to see a site of such quality and is even better in that you’re from Ontario.

I’ve enjoyed your lovely and informative web site and the insight youhave supplied on

Love the photo’s and the site. A lot of time and effort must have gone into it.

I have just spent the last 1 1/2 hours looking at your web site. I am very impressed. As a photographer, I look at many sites on the web. Yours isexcellent….. besides the fine photography, the information was invaluable. Thanks for providing such a great forum for photography on your site.

You have some really nice photographs with a well informed site.

I have had the opportunity to visit your web site and am really impressed with the volume of information and photographs on this site. I look forward to visiting your site often.

Thank you for your very well designed web site. It has helped me to finally get off my but and start my own.

I just finished touring your web site "The Luminous Landscape," and found it immensely enjoyable and incredibly informative! Your experience andinsights on photography and various equipment has really inspired me.

The best I’ve seen. The images match what my minds eye remembers about theSouthwest. The colors, shapes and feelings are all there. Thanks for thevacation.

I must congratulate you on a superb, easy-to-read and very informative site….. I am always stunned by the open beauty of the South West. Your web-site has certainly inspired future travel plans. Thanks again for putting together such a great web site.

Congratulations on a brilliant website. I’ve spent countless hoursresearching information you have on your site… and you’ve done it in anefficient and aesthetically pleasing way.I don’t know where you find the time to design and lay out such acomprehensive and sophisticated site… but you’ve done a wonderful job,Michael.

Absolutely brilliant. Filled with so much useful info that I will bereturning many times. Thanks.

Thank you for such a visually entertaining and intellectually absorbing web site.

I want to say thanks for the good advice that you provide. I tremendously enjoy your website — the lovely photos, the fascinating articles … and the valuable tips. Your website is one of the best examples I know of the generosity of professionals in sharing their expertise on the Internet. 

I must say, yours is one of the most comprehensive, wellorganized, well written, and visually appealing photo sites I’ve seen on theweb. Congratulations, you obviously put a great deal of time and effort intoyour site.

To contact us via e-mail, please clickhere.

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Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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