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Projects Part 4:
Project Statement

1 White Sands Folio P14 800

Projects Part 4:
Project Statement

The use of the term art medium is, to say the least, misleading, for it is the artist that creates a work of art not...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


August 11, 2016


13 minutes read

Michael by nick 1365

The Luminous Endowment Grant Winners - August, 2016

The Luminous Endowment Michael Reichmann – founder and principal owner of the Luminous Landscape. Three years before his death this past May, Michael conceived & founded...
Christopher Sanderson

Christopher Sanderson


August 9, 2016


4 minutes read

Marthas Vineayd MA 2013 ©

A Disturbing Trend

Chappaqiddick I'm old. Believe me, I know it. I'll be 70 in a few months. That fact may make it hard for you to take...
Neal Rantoul

Neal Rantoul


August 3, 2016


8 minutes read


Bryce Canyon National Park - A Quick Guide To Photography

Hoodoos and snow from Sunrise Point, winter sunrise. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA. The main attraction of Bryce Canyon National Park for visitors and...
QT Luong

QT Luong


July 30, 2016


9 minutes read

18. Moon Over Exposed

Reaching for the Moon

When I don’t have time to travel to dream locations, I enjoy taking photos locally. The only problem with photographing locally is you have to...
Wenjie Qiao

Wenjie Qiao


July 27, 2016


37 minutes read

XF IQ3 80MP 80mmLS front web

The Phase One XF 100MP Camera Review

At a recent media event,  I was sitting with fellow content providers discussing the state of the industry.  We all agreed that this had been...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


July 24, 2016


51 minutes read

1. ColorChecker Target

Whither Adobe? Issues With Accurate Printing From Lightroom and Photoshop

FREE ARTICLE Over the past 25 years the photographic industry as a whole and Adobe in particular have invested a fortune of time, resources and...
Mark Segal

Mark Segal


July 18, 2016


10 minutes read

FW Wain Wath Yorkshire Dales England 2

Photography Has The Power To Change The Mundane Into The Magnificent

A conversation with professional photographer Peter Watson of the U.K. Author’s note: The following was adapted from an interview between Fred Weymouth and Peter Watson...
Fred Weymouth

Fred Weymouth


July 16, 2016


7 minutes read

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