A 44” Epson 9570 – it weighs about 250 lbs/115 kg, and it is wider and deeper than an upright piano. If you don’t have access to one of these (or its Canon equivalent), camera resolution has reached what you can use.
There have been many breathless articles in the technology press lately about how the Sony A7r IV is the “best camera for this or that purpose”, due primarily to its resolution – often without really looking at anything else about it. While I have not personally used an A7r IV yet, reports from actual users are almost uniformly positive – there is no doubt that it is an exceptionally capable camera, one that will not constrain essentially any photographer’s creativity. Its resolution, however, is not the primary reason to choose an A7r IV (or any of its equally capable competitors).
An A7r IV with Sony’s new 200-600 mm lens – is it the right camera for you?
The difference in sensor resolution among modern high-resolution cameras is
unimportant in almost every case. ...
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Dan Wells, "Shuttterbug" on the trail, is a landscape photographer, long-distance hiker and student in the Master of Divinity program at Harvard Divinity School. He lives in Cambridge, MA when not in wild places photographing and contemplating our connection to the natural world. Dan's images try to capture the spirit he finds in places where, in the worlds of the Wilderness Act of 1964, "Man himself is but a visitor". He has hiked 230 miles of Vermont's Long Trail and 450 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail with his cameras, as well as photographing in numerous National Parks, Seashores and Forests over the years - often in the offseason when few people think to be there. In the summer of 2020, Dan plans to hike a stretch of hundreds of miles on the Pacific Crest Trail, focusing on his own and others' spiritual connection to these special places, and making images that document these connections.
Over years of personal work and teaching photography, Dan has used a variety of equipment (presently Nikon Z7 and Fujifilm APS-C). He is looking for the perfect combination of light weight, ruggedness and superb image quality.
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