
April 21, 2013 ·

Miles Hecker

by Miles Hecker

Publishers Note: This is an old article by Miles.  Many or all the links most likely don’t work.  Miles passed away a few years ago and his site has gone away.  Please enjoy the article as is.  Thank You – Kevin Raber


Fine Art Landscape Photography

Art has been defined simply as the production,according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. Fine art photography therefore, is the creation of photographs which are beautiful beyond the ordinary.

I have spent the last sixteen or so years, trying to create fine art landscape photographs. Although many of these photos have had commercial value, my primary reason for their creation has been the expression of my aesthetic view of the physical world which I inhabit. I have attained, at least by my standards, pleasing results.

At the same time, I have also taught classes in digital photography at the college level. These classes have been conducted primarily to enhance the abilities of the students taking them. Occasionally though, the students have asked me to present my own work. The inevitable question I get asked in the discussion that follows is, “How did you create that image?”. Light, Land, Life & Magic is written in attempt to answer that seemingly simple question. However, as you might guess the answer is neither simple nor the same, for any two images. Creativity is a complex process and involves many aesthetic, motivational and technical factors, all of course, beyond the ordinary

Creating a Fine Art Photograph

The process of learning to create a fine art photograph with a camera is no different than the process of learning to create art with a traditional tool like a brush and paint. We must learn to understand the light and land creating the scene witnessed by our eyes. For some reason, many accept the fact that it takes many years to become a great painter or musician but expects to become a great photographer overnight.

This book attempts to shed light on my personal creative process. It is hoped the reader by example will see the actions I take in the creation of an image. The first and most important part is visualizing the composition and seeing how the light paints the photo. In field techniques used in taming the light, and final editing to create the finished image in Photoshop are also covered.

Learning to see and capture an image is an art. Becoming truly proficient at this process takes work, patience and time. We as humans learn by watching and copying. We learn to speak by observing our parents and duplicating their actions. Art is no different. At first, we all learn by watching others and copying. After we become proficient in a copied style we can create our own.


Munising Falls
Structure of the Book

The heart of the book is twenty example images. Each image is arranged in a two-page spread. A large copy of the image sits on the left-hand page. The right-hand page is divided into three info panels vertically. Each panel has an image on the left and text on the right.

The top panel is about the nature of the light in the photo and the story of it’s making.

The second panel is about the in field techniques used to capture the image. This panel will discuss the camera, exposure, focusing technique, filters, and other relevant field techniques used in making the image.

The third panel is about the magic. This section will discuss the Photoshop techniques used in the final development of the image.

Table of Contents

Fine Art Landscape Photography
It’s About Light
Different Types of Light
Vision and Composition
Field Technique
Photoshop Magic
The Layout
20 Example Photos with info panel details
Photographer Bios
Photo Technical Data

Light, Land, Life & Magic comes in PDF format and works on all Windows, OSX, Android and Ipad platforms.

The book contains 111 images and illustrations and is 55 pages in length.

The Light, Land, Life & Magic PDF costs $10.95 USD as a download.

Light,Land Life & Magic FAQ’s .


Paypal should send you to a successful purchase web page after payment.

If it does not, please contact us via email at wyofoto_llc at for help.

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