Safari Waitlist

January 13, 2009 ·

Michael Reichmann

I am in the process of planning a photographic safari / workshop to East Africa in January of 2004 — just 13 months from now. This will be in conjunction with Andy Biggs, who recently completed a 5 week photographic trip in the area, and who has written about his experiences in anexclusive articlefor The Luminous Landscape.

To determine the level of interest in this Workshop / Safari, and to develop an active wait list, I have created the form below. If you are interested in and able to participate in this trip please fill in the form. There is of course no obligation at this time.


Photo © 2002 Andy Biggs

The workshop / safari will last for approximately 11 days. The prime locations will be the Serengeti plain, Ngorongoro Crater, the Olduvai Gorge, a Masai Village, Lake Manyara or Tarangire, and Zanzibar. There will be extensive opportunities for wildlife, landscape and human interest photography. Most importantly, the trip is planned to coincide with the wildebeest migration, one of the great wildlife viewing opportunities of a lifetime.

The workshop will be lead by Michael Reichmann, along with Andy Biggs and Chris Sanderson. There will be just 10 places available. The cost of the trip will be approximately U.S. $5,000, which will include all in-country transportation, accommodation at 4 star hotels and all meals. Travel to and from East Africa is not included (roughly $1,000 to $1,500 depending on where in the world you live).

If you’d like to spend 11 days on the photographic trip of a lifetime, working alongside a leading wildlife and landscape photographer, this is the trip to plan for. The key goal of this African adventure with be maximum comfort combined with exceptional shooting opportunities.



Please complete the form below andSubmitit.  Your name will be placed on our Wait List and and you will be notified of details of this workshop prior to its public announcement. Completing this form does not oblige you in any way. This list will not be sold or provided to anyone else for any purpose whatsoever. The only e-mails that you will receive from me will be regarding futureLuminous Landscapeworkshops

Please complete each of the following.

Name: *(manditory)

E-mail Address: *(manditory)

Home Phone:

I will probably be working mostly in:
35mm Medium Format Digital
To choose more than one, use Ctrl-Click.

My level of experience as a landscape, wildlife or nature photographer is as a:

Choose One

I have attended a photographic field seminar or workshop before:

Please take a moment to tell us any additional information that might be helpful in allowing us to make our workshops the best they can be foryou.  Please indicate as well if you have any physical infirmity that could affect your ability to participate fully in this workshop.


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Michael Reichmann is the founder of the Luminous Landscape. Michael passed away in May 2016. Since its inception in 1999 LuLa has become the world's largest site devoted to the art, craft, and technology of photography. Each month more than one million people from every country on the globe visit LuLa.

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