What’s In Kevin’s Bag

May 25, 2014 ·

Kevin Raber

Ok, I am camera addict.  I have tried many forms of counseling and twelve step programs to no avail.  So, I embrace my issues and have fun with all the cameras I own.  The hardest part is deciding which camera will be the lucky camera chosen each time I go out shooting. 

There is something about the elegance and design of cameras that I find very attractive.  While I am not a camera collector I am an admirer of fine engineering and optics.  I own cameras from simple point and shoots to a Phase One IQ180.  One of the most important criteria for me in my camera selection is the quality of the image the camera produces.


Alpa   STC  and Phase One IQ180

Like Michael I own an STC and a Phase One IQ 180.  I have six lenses in my kit for the ALPA ranging from 23mm to 120mm.  This is the camera system that takes me back to grass roots.  The optics are second to none and the IQ180 produces an image that has to be seen to be appreciated.


Nikon D800e and Nikon 7100

Michael states it well, so I won’t try to say anything different.  We’re both believers in this great system.  There’s no doubt in my mind that the Nikon D800 offers the best bang for the buck when it comes to image quality of any camera. This strong statement needs to be qualified by saying that this is a qualified position that doesn’t take into account all factors, just those that are important to me. Hey, it’s my money, and I choose what to spend it on.

Over the years I have put together a very extensive range of top quality Nikon glass, and this is one of the things that ties me into the system. So long as Nikon continuous to produce high quality top-of-the-line cameras, it looks like I’ll remain a happy Nikon user.

The Nikon 7100 is my second body.  It is a winner also.  What’s nice is it is a 24 mega-pixel camera witha  cropped sensor.  Using my 80-400mm zoom it becomes a 120-600mm zoom.  And, the quality is tremendous.

Added MAy 2015: Sigma 150-600mm zoom lens


Fuji X-Pro 1

I was raised on Leica cameras and evolved all the way to the M9 from the M3.  However, as time marched forward I found I needed the auto focus feature more and more as well as lenses I could afford.  When the X-Pro 1 was release I became instantly hooked.  This is one of my favorite cameras and I reach for it all the time.  My favorite glass are the 18-55 and 55-200 zooms.  This is a camera that produces incredible image quality and is so easy to use and carry.  I intend to round out the lens collection wuth a 10-24mm when it is available.  I also have the three original primes.  When I am out shooting  everything fits in my pockets.  This is a great street camera.  Just ordered the NEW X-T1 as well as the 10-24 zoom


Fuji XT-1

My newest addition to the Fuji system.  I just love this new addition.  We have done a video on this camera compared to the Olympus OMD – EM1.  I love both but the XT-1 with the 10-24, 56mm 1.2, 18-55mm and the 55-200mm kit I have give me one of the best, smallest, lightest kits I own.  The image quaility and retro style make this one of my favorites.

Canon 5D II

Maybe I just like white lenses.  I have had the Canon 5d II since it first became available.  I have used Canon cameras and have evolved with Canos from the 10D through the 5D II.  I have a full set of lenses for this system from wide angle all the way through 400mm.   I am not using this system much these days but it is used by my girlfriend quite a bit.

Olympus OMD EM-1

Now this is a sweet camera.  I am totally hooked on this camera.  We just reviewed the new addition the Olympus line which an upgrade from this camera.  This is a small and compact system.  Like my other systems I have lenses ranging from wide angle to long reach telephoto.  It’s pretty cool what can be packed into such a small system.  If you are looking for a good, no great 4/3 system then this is the one.

Panosonic Lumix GH2 

Before I bought the Olympus this was my main go to compact camera system.  These days I use it primarily for video work.  Coupled with the wide range of glass I own this is a great system for stills but it excels in video.


Too Many Camera Bags

I am addicted to camera bags even worse than I am cameras.  My main go to bags are from Think Tank.  This company has an amazing line up of bags.  I own one of the first Airport Security bags and I have dragged that bag filled with all sorts of camera systems all over the world a few times over.  It is the sturdiest and best bag I have ever owned.

Lately though I have also become hooked on the F-Stops Backpacks.  This company has figured it out when it comes to camera backpacks.  With clever camera insert systems and well designed strap system I feel very comfortable carrying my cameras, a lap top and 2 iPads.  This will be my bag for my upcoming Antarctica trips.



I have been very picky about tripods in my career.  These are investments and my tripod investment is one that doesn’t have to be replaced or upgraded every few years like cameras these days do.  I have a Gitzo traveler and a larger Gitzo.  This last year I have become hooked on the Really Right Stuff 24L tripod with the BH55 Ball Head.  except for the issue of having to tighten the legs often this is a super tripod.  when using the ALPA system I will usually switch out the tripod head to the Arca Swiss Cube head.


I am always adding to and sometimes selling my gear.  I’ll update this page as I do so.

Updated on May 25, 2014
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Photography is my passion and has been for 45 plus years. My career in photography has allowed me to travel the world, meet some of the most interesting people on the planet and see things I could never have dreamed of. My goal is to share the passion of pictures taking through photographs and teaching with as many people as I can hoping it brings them as much joy and happiness as it has me. I do this through Rockhopper Workshops and other projects as well as teaching at my Gallery in Indianapolis.

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