By Ben Hattenbach The name “Iceland” may conjure up visions of a frozen, desolate and dangerous outpost beyond the reach of civilization. Upon arriving on...
It was early March, and another cloudless 70 oF day had arrived in Los Angeles. Trees were leafing out, flowers were sprouting across nearby deserts,...
This page contains images taken during myJanuary, 2009 Antarctic Photographic Expedition. New photographs along with relevant commentary will be posted here on an on-going basis...
Digital image processing is, for me, about using superior tools to produce my photographic images; not to produce digital realities. But occasionally the subject matter...
Urban Landscapes Shadows & Patterns Massey Hall Fire-Escape, Toronto: June, 2001 Photographed with a Leica M6 TTL and Tri-Elmar lens @ 50mm, on Ilford XP2...