We have: 6090 articles since 2001


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The Olympus OMD Camera System

The Olympus OMD Camera System     The Olympus system showing the shoulder bag and it's contents. 8.3 pounds as loaded. I get to work...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 31, 2016


6 minutes read


Hasselblad X1D Hands-On Tour

Hasselblad X1D Hands-On Tour It seems to be a Hasselblad week here.  Our last article was an interview with Perry Oosting, CEO of Hasselblad.  As...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


October 27, 2016


3 minutes read

dark small

On Creativity

Alain Briot has been writing a really commendable series here recently, but I feel like there's a missing element. That element is the specifics of...
Andrew Molitor

Andrew Molitor


October 18, 2016


6 minutes read

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Food Photography With A Phase One Camera

When I started out 20 years ago, the perception of food photography was that it was for squares. It was a niche, more about model...
Howard Shooter

Howard Shooter


October 13, 2016


5 minutes read

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Monochrome Wildlife Photography

Introduction I have always liked black and white images. There is something classical and timeless about a monochrome image that hearkens back to the formative...
Morden O'Hare

Morden O'Hare


October 10, 2016


9 minutes read

2 cameras

Sony Announces Two NEW cameras the a6500 and RX100V

  Publishers note: This has been quite a year for Sony camera announcements.  There is no question that Sony has plans to dominate the mirrorless...
Rad Drew

Rad Drew


October 7, 2016


6 minutes read


The Contrast War

In music production circles there is a concept called ”the loudness war”. The phenomenon that we perceive music that is louder as better has led...
Johan Lund

Johan Lund


October 2, 2016


4 minutes read

I 9 Rochester Optical Premo Long Focus Special 1895

How Emerging Technology Advances Artistic Creativity - Part 1

How often have you heard it said that a skilled photographer can take a great image with a poor camera; but that a great camera...
Harvey Stearn

Harvey Stearn


September 29, 2016


15 minutes read