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Antarctica 2009 Portfolio

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Antarctica 2009 Portfolio

This page contains images taken during myJanuary, 2009 Antarctic Photographic Expedition. New photographs along with relevant commentary will be posted here on an on-going basis...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


9 minutes read

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By: Mark Pelletier Young girl waits at the well. Canon D60, 70-200mm @ 200mm, 1/750 sec, f/5.6, ISO: 100, Flash: Off Thursday, 30 January, 2003...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


13 minutes read

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Fred Schang

This page contains photographs by Fred Schang that were takenduring aLuminous Landscape Workshopin Iceland in July of 2004.Photographs by other workshop members can be seenhere....
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


1 minute read

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This subject is featured in Issue #4 of The Luminous Landscape Video Journal. The CNE One of the best places for street photography is the midway...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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Bill Robertson

This page contains photographs by Bill Robertson that were taken during a Luminous Landscape Workshop in Iceland in July of 2004. Photographs by other workshop...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


1 minute read

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Iceland in Black

The Resonance Sometimes photographs taken months, even years apart, resonate with each other. It can be the subject matter, the style or some more subtile...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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BCB Porlfolio

Bill Caulfield-Browne was a member of a small invitational workshop that I conducted in Iceland in July 2003. Below are some of Bill's photographs from...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


1 minute read

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The Rockies

This was the first major shoot that I have done using medium format digital. I've been shooting film professionally for the past 35 years —...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


8 minutes read

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