We have: 6102 articles since 2001

Canon WP-DC28

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Canon WP-DC28

Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


0 minute read

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ReadyNAS 600 Review

What is aReadyNAS 600, and why do you need one? Some Background Since the mid-1990's photographers have relied on hard drives to store their scanned...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


19 minutes read

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Delkin eFilm Expresscard 34 Compact Flash Reader Review

With high-end DSLRs and medium format backs now shooting with 12 – 39 Megapixel sensors, and consequently large raw files, the use of large cards...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


2 minutes read

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CameraQuest Leica M to Micro 4/3 Lens Adaptor

I don't want to pick a fight. I really don't. But since getting the CameraQuest Leica M to Micro 4/3 lens adaptor my thinking about the Leica...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


8 minutes read

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Acratech Leveling Base & V2 Ballhead Review

In photography, and especially with regard to photographic gear, it's sometime the little things that make the biggest difference. Most photographers have come to know...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


5 minutes read

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ColorEyes Commercial

Profiling a digital camera is a controversial process. There are those that say it's possible, there are those that say it isn't. Some raw converters...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


2 minutes read

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Indiro C413 tripod in Antarctica

The New Kid in Town Photographers looking for the best combination of light weight and rigidity in a tripod have always (or at least for...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


6 minutes read

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WhiBal Review

Unlike film, which basically comes with just two colour balances – Daylight and Tungsten, digital cameras and backs can be set to a wide range...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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