We have: 6102 articles since 2001

Observations on Chroma Optimizer (“CO”) Usage Canon Pro-1000 Printer

CO cover 5960

Observations on Chroma Optimizer (“CO”) Usage Canon Pro-1000 Printer

Users of this new line of printers have been raising questions about the role and volume of CO (Chroma Optimizer) consumption, having observed that CO...
Mark Segal

Mark Segal


April 25, 2017


6 minutes read

IMG 4604

Sleepless Over Sony’s a9 - What Is It Really, and Who Is It For?

Yes, the a9 is sick-fast, arguably sickest-fastest general purpose camera out there. But I actually lost sleep after shooting with it for a full day,...
Hugh Brownstone

Hugh Brownstone


April 23, 2017


3 minutes read

ImmigrationDream grant1 1

The Luminous Endowment Grant Winners - April 2017

The Luminous Endowment Grant Winners – April 2017 We are delighted to announce the Winners of the first series of Luminous Endowment Grants for 2017. Once again, the standard...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


April 21, 2017


3 minutes read


The NEW Sony A9 Camera and 100-400mm G-Master Lens - A Game Changer

Updated with links for ordering from B&H and Amazon I was invited to New York at the last minute for a very special event.  An...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


April 19, 2017


18 minutes read

4 setting up bts

Super Wide - Cambo’s WRE-CA Adapter for Canon Lenses

Queen’s Bath, Kauai, HI. Cambo WRS 1600, Phase IQ3 100, Cambo WRE-CA, Canon 17mm TSE. The Phase One XF mated to the IQ3 100MP digital...
Kenneth Doo

Kenneth Doo


April 16, 2017


11 minutes read

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Phase One XF - What’s New

Medium format is the buzz word these days. It wasn’t long ago when many were saying medium format was dead. Funny how things change. Phase...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


April 12, 2017


3 minutes read

3 Dissolution J. Ramos

Regarding Fine Art Nature Photography

“Clearing Storm Over Mogollon Rim” This three-part article is not intended to be a definitive treatment of what constitutes fine art nature photography. Most likely,...
Harvey Stearn

Harvey Stearn


April 10, 2017


18 minutes read

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Part 5 - Color Examples

If I choose abstraction over reality it is because I consider it the lesser chaos. Robert Brault 1 - Introduction This essay features a variety...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


April 7, 2017


17 minutes read

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