We have: 6055 articles since 2001

Camera & Technology

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Camera & Technology

Of Phones, Pixels and Photons – why a 100 mp cell phone is not a GFX 100

Samsung has just released a 108 MP phone sensor – a wild headline number that may mean little in practice. Is 108 MP in a...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


August 15, 2019


21 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

The Present State of Mirrorless: Part 1

Part 1: Overview The camera market as a whole is contracting, but mirrorless is where the new growth is occurring. As the market for “serious...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


August 8, 2019


14 minutes read

Camera & Technology

The Future of Mirrorless?

Two new cameras, three new lenses – what does it tell us about where we’re going? In mid-July of 2018, there were only three mirrorless...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


July 18, 2019


23 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

A Beginner's Guide to Composition in Macro Photography

Do you struggle to capture stunning macro compositions? Would you like to produce macro photos that are simply stunning? You’re not alone. Composition is one...
Jaymes Dempsey

Jaymes Dempsey


June 24, 2019


11 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Understanding Lens Diffraction (Rediscover)

This article was written by Michael Reichmann and originally published Jan 13 2009   This is not a comprehensive treatise on the subject of lens...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


June 4, 2019


4 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Creative Photographs: Tourist Locations

The Key is Aesthetic Skill. How many times do you walk away from a scene saying ‘I couldn’t see a good picture? The tourist location...
David Osborn

David Osborn


May 15, 2019


8 minutes read

Pikto feature image
Camera & Technology

Pikto: Tour of an online printing lab

Pikto is an online photo lab with largely unparalleled levels of expertise, technical know-how, and experience. This state of the art facility has recently expanded...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


May 12, 2019


2 minutes read

WEB Leica Q2 Totale keyvisual HiRes RGBv2 1 1
Camera & Technology

Review: Leica Q2

For a more in-depth product look, we interviewed Product Specialist for Leica Camera USA – Antonio DeBenedetto. You can download the press release with all...
Matthew Bennett

Matthew Bennett


March 7, 2019


2 minutes read