Chris Rainier is a documentary photographer, filmmaker and a National Geographic Society Explorer who is highly respected for his documentation of endangered cultures and traditional...
Jay Maisel Light Gesture & Color By Jay Maisel New Riders Kelby One ISBN 978-0-13-403226-9 $54.99 With the publication of Jay Maisel Light...
Crown Of The Continent; The Wildest Rockies By Steven Gnam Braided River, an imprint of Mountaineers Books ISBN 978-1-59485-772-0 $29.95 Photographer Steven Gnam takes...
The Landscape Photography Workshop Ross Hoddinott & Mark Bauer Ammonite Press ISBN 978-1-90770-897-8 $24.95 What novice photographer doesn’t want to take a workshop and...
Capture the Magic Train Your Eye, Improve Your Photographic Composition By Jack Dykinga Rocky Nook Inc. ISBN: 978-1-937538-35-4 US $39.95 In his latest book,...
A 400 Page Large Format Book Published August 1, 2014, this large format, cloth bound, hard-cover book has 400 pages, containing 380 images. It was designed...