Josh has: 76 articles

Josh Reichmann

Photography has been a primary medium for my creative expression since early childhood. The Luminous Landscape is a family business, passion, and community which I am thrilled to carry forward and build upon.

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Changing tides, passing the torch!

What a wild time in the world, in technology, art and in photography. My Dearest Luminous Landscape Community, As I sit to pen this heartfelt...

Josh Reichmann


December 11, 2023


4 minutes read

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The Art of Night Photography: Capturing the Beauty of the Nocturnal World, By: Amanda Winstead

Unlocking the secret to mastering the art of night photography can be a daunting challenge, but it offers spectacular opportunities for photographers. With practice and...

Josh Reichmann


November 29, 2023


9 minutes read

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 Revolutionizing Landscape Photography: Advancements in Printer Technology, an Introduction.

In landscape photography (and all genres), capturing the breathtaking beauty of our subjects and nature and displaying them with utmost precision has always been the...

Josh Reichmann


October 7, 2023


9 minutes read

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The Evolution of Photography as an intro: From Dark Room to Mirrorless and Beyond...and some inspiration.

For professional, or more committed photographers, the journey of capturing moments and creating art has significantly evolved over the years. From the days of dark...

Josh Reichmann


October 2, 2023


11 minutes read

Landscape & Environment

Happy Holidays From The Lula Team

May this time be filled with light, wonder, art, experience, and expression. May your vision excel and your way be gentle. Take it easy! From...

Josh Reichmann


December 24, 2022


0 minute read

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Landscape & Environment

The Magic Of Superior By Greg Czarnecki

Lake Superior weaves its way into the mind with endless possibilities.  It is a destination filled with compelling features and great locations.  With over 2700...

Josh Reichmann


October 13, 2022


6 minutes read

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Photographer Profiles

Festival Run For My Film "Tenzin" And A Review.

A film still with the much-vaunted laurels we all hope for as filmmakers When coming on board at Lula in 2018, I carried a strange...

Josh Reichmann


September 29, 2022


3 minutes read

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Photographer Profiles

Lee Towndrow: American Form Beyond Function

I met Lee about ten years ago when I ran a fashion boutique and mini-gallery/store in downtown Toronto. This was before his move to NYC,...

Josh Reichmann


August 20, 2022


5 minutes read