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Honoring Michael Reichmann

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Photographer Profiles

Photolucida Announces The Michael Reichmann Project Grant !

My father, Michael Reichmann had a few final wishes. One was to establish a lasting organization which would help empower deserving photographers with opportunities to...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


August 22, 2019


4 minutes read

Photographer Profiles

Remembering Michael Reichmann - Two Years

  Two years ago I sat in a hospital room in Canada and watched one of my dearest if not best friends pass away, Michael...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


May 18, 2018


2 minutes read

Michael DSC9614

Honoring Michael Reichmann - The Founders Page

It’s hard to believe it has been a year since our dear friend, Michael Reichmann, passed away. Michael was the founder of Luminous-Landscape. LuLa, as...
Kevin Raber

Kevin Raber


May 22, 2017


8 minutes read