Christopher has: 6 articles
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter

Born December 30th 1954 Began Photographing 1969 in Kalamazoo Michigan Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photographic Illustration, 1978 Rochester Institute of Technology Adjunct Associate Professor of Photography, Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI

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Camera & Technology

Beyond Calibration

By Chris Schneiter Recently, I happened to watcha video from Bruce Barnbaumabout the importance of giving enough exposure when shooting film. This is something that...
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter


October 12, 2022


20 minutes read

Figure 51

Digital Zone System

THE LONG ROAD TO EXPRESSION The term "Digital Zone System" has been bandied about since the advent of digital imaging. To many, the term Zone...
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter


August 22, 2014


33 minutes read

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HDR Intervention

Since first seeing HDR images a few years ago, I've been intrigued by its (the HDR Process) ability to extend tonal ranges, and tone mapping's...
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter


October 14, 2013


9 minutes read

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Beyond Calibration 2

By Christopher Schneiter In my last article, Beyond Calibration, I talked about the problem of having an image look fine on a monitor, but then printing...
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter


October 14, 2013


19 minutes read

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Inmy last article, I talked about tone compression using HDR, and the character that Tone Mapping can impart to an image. HDR FOR TONAL COMPRESSION...
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter


November 29, 2012


7 minutes read

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Take Time With Your Images

I have always been fascinated by long exposures, going back to Daguerre, with his incredibly long ones. In Figure 1 below, we see a seemingly...
Christopher Schneiter

Christopher Schneiter


August 27, 2012


13 minutes read