The Milky Way over the Badlands. Nearly all of my night sky photos are done in two pieces. The sky was exposed using a tracking mount to render the stars as sharp dots rather than streaks. The foreground was exposed with the tracking mount turned off and I light painted the hills using an LED flashlight. The two pieces are then combined in Photoshop. I’m convinced that the … [Read more...]
What’s A Stop – A Quick Look
What's a Stop? We're photographers so we all understand the concept of a stop. In terms of exposure, it simply refers to doubling or halving of the amount of light striking the sensor by changing the shutter speed or the lens' aperture. With digital, we can also change the sensitivity of the sensor - also measured in stops - by doubling or halving the ISO value. Simple, … [Read more...]
The Color Of Invisible Ink
I’m convinced that the fundamental purpose of photography is to allow us to capture a view that couldn’t be seen otherwise. There are lots of reasons for taking a picture; we might want to record a scene or an image of a friend to look at later or perhaps to share with someone else. We might want to use photographic technologies to reveal a scene in a way that can’t be seen … [Read more...]