Ed has: 5 articles

Ed Gordon

It’s been more than 20 years now since I founded www.explorelight.com and gave up my day job to immerse myself fully in my photography. My work has been published in various magazines including Photo Art International and Outdoor Photographer. I have also featured in numerous radio and TV celebrations of the work created by myself and my son Peter, European Professional Photographer of the Year 2013. As I reflect on almost a lifetime of making images and teaching others to find their voice in photography I realize that unique self-expression and authenticity are the ultimate goals in this great medium. The changes that have taken place in these past 10 years motivate me to share my journey and in so doing provide insights so that others can learn to find their voice in photography.


Stepping Away from Reality

A cut is brutal, even if committed by the blade of a surgeon. So for Irving Penn the camera is an instrument that creates art...

Ed Gordon


August 10, 2021


10 minutes read

Photographer Profiles

Image Stories - Ramble On

Led Zepplin ~ Ramble On This month, lots of images. I will not re-visit this period of my journey so get ready for a packed...

Ed Gordon


July 10, 2021


19 minutes read

Lula2Edg Stories
Landscape & Environment

Image Stories~ Our Stories

The before and after image screenshot that is shown here was taken in 2019 in Montenegro on an Explorelight workshop https://www.explorelightphotographyworkshops.com/ The before and after...

Ed Gordon


July 3, 2021


10 minutes read

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Photographer Profiles

Introducing Contributor Ed Gordon

Firstly, I would like to thank Josh for inviting me to share my work, thoughts, and ideas about photography. We cannot discuss photography in isolation...

Ed Gordon


June 5, 2021


18 minutes read

LL 21Ed

PHOTIMAGERY ~ No More Deception

What do we seek as individuals and photographers? Are we satisfied with the dim light of unawareness and ignorance or are we open to the...

Ed Gordon


May 22, 2021


7 minutes read