Greg has: 4 articles

Greg Czarnecki

Greg Czarnecki is a long-time professional photographer. With his wife, Sue, they pursue the inspiration of amazing natural locations. His work and that of his wife, Sue Dempsey, can be viewed at cdphotogroup.zenfolio.com


Come to Newfoundland

Generosity is the way of life in Newfoundland.

Greg Czarnecki


July 1, 2024


7 minutes read

Camera & Technology

Monument Valley and The Phase One XT Camera

There are special locations that spark the imagination of photographers.  It may be Jokulsarlon Lagoon in Iceland where 1000 year old icebergs break off from...

Greg Czarnecki


May 29, 2023


9 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Photo Gold in the Alabama Hills

You have been there – many, many times.  Nearly every pickup truck commercial seen on television has a portion taken from the Alabama Hills.  Wide...

Greg Czarnecki


April 11, 2023


5 minutes read

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The Enigma in the Picture

Ansel Adams once shared the thoughtful insight, “There are always two people in the picture: the photographer and the viewer.” The viewer has an important...

Greg Czarnecki


November 22, 2022


7 minutes read