Les has: 4 articles
Les Palenik

Les Palenik

Les Palenik is an Ontario-based photographer. Totally camera-agnostic, he's been using various models of Canon, Nikon, and Fuji film cameras. Prior to using VR Drive, he used also robotic GigaPan Epic panoramic tripod head. All images in this article including the finished panoramas were processed with a cloudless, non-subscription perpetual copy of Adobe Photoshop CS5. Originally a computer engineer, he's always been attracted to panoramic photography, but by now he has run out of all available wall space. When he is not shooting or stitching pano shots, he is still writing programs, among other things also software for automation of the panoramic image workflow.

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Camera & Technology

Reduce Load And Travel Lighter (April Comes Early)

When reading the comments on Luminous Landscape forum, it becomes quickly obvious that for many photographers the ability to reduce the weight of their gear...
Les Palenik

Les Palenik


March 20, 2020


5 minutes read

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Neuroscience For Action Photography

A grizzly sprinting at 35 miles an hour from hundred feet away will sink its teeth into your expedition cargo pants in less than two...
Les Palenik

Les Palenik


April 5, 2019


7 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Panoramic Viewpoint

Following my previous article which was a hands-on review of a Seitz Roundshot VR Drive motorized panoramic head, this essay is more conceptual, and totally...
Les Palenik

Les Palenik


February 21, 2019


16 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Seitz Roundshot VR Drive II Review

In this article, I will review the VR Drive II panoramic system using the practical examples and experience I gained from using it in various...
Les Palenik

Les Palenik


January 16, 2019


17 minutes read