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Headlines 2011

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Headlines 2011

Headlines from 2011 My take on what the news might look eight years from now...happy Fourth of July weekend to all yous Americans! >>> British...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


6 minutes read

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Confessions of a Cameraholic

A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston © Mike Johnston 2002 I became aware recently of the work of a photographer named Wade Heninger. Wade, whom I...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


9 minutes read

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The Public and Me:What's an SLR Supposed to Be? I've been reviewing cameras professionally since 1988 — mostly 35mm SLRs, the more expensive 35mm rangefinders,...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


10 minutes read

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Rash Predictions

Rash Predictions I'm going to bounce completely off the wall here and muse aloud. I want to make some very rash, long-term predictions about what...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


5 minutes read

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 GPS tracking powered byInstaMapper.com   ...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


0 minute read

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Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography and the "$39K Schmuck" On November 6th, onwww.cbs.marketwatch.com, a reporter named Chris Plummer wrote an article that has caused a stir among professional...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


6 minutes read

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While this tutorial on photographing meteors was written for one particular meteor shower, the Leonid shower of Nov 18, 2001, it can be used any...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


14 minutes read

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Filter basics

Introduction Since the earliest days of photography filters have played a necessary role in enabling photographers to control the imaging processes. Today, working in colour...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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