Alain has: 156 articles
Alain Briot

Alain Briot

Alain Briot creates fine art photographs, teaches workshops and offers DVD tutorials on composition, raw conversion, optimization, printing and marketing. Alain is the author of Mastering Landscape Photography, Mastering Photographic Composition and Marketing Fine Art Photography. All 3 books are available from Alain’s website as well as from most bookstores. You can find more information about Alain's work, writings and tutorials as well as subscribe to Alain’s Free Monthly Newsletter on his <a href="http://www.beautiful-landscape.com/">website</a>. You will receive over 40 essays in PDF format, including chapters from Alain’s books, when you subscribe.

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Rock Art

Petroglyphs and Pictographs A thousand years before photographers claimed the American Southwest as their own other artists made their mark on this landscape. From pre-history,...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


7 minutes read

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Calibrating & Profiling LCD Displays Using ColorBlind ProveIt

By: Alain Briot This article and the products described apply to both Mac and PC based systems, and CRT as well as LCD panels. Alain...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


7 minutes read

Totem Pole

Finding Inspiration

by Alain Briot This essay is the first of a 4 parts series titled as follows: 1- Finding Inspiration 2 - Exercising your Creativity 3...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


46 minutes read

Playa Reflections 2

Exercising Your Creativity

by Alain Briot 1 – Introduction Creativity grows out of two things: curiosity & imagination. Benny Goodman You may wonder why an essay on creativity...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


42 minutes read

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Sunrise at White Sands By: Alain Briot Alain Briot is one of the most successful landscape photographers working in the American Southwest today. His work...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


7 minutes read

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Medium Format Digital Collages

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes,but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust Introduction In March 2008 I purchased a 39...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


6 minutes read

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Composing with Color - Part 3

by Alain Briot This essay is part of Chapter 5 in Alain’s second bookMastering Composition, Inspiration and Personal Style 7 - Saturation To see in...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


21 minutes read

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Achieving your Personal Style

by Alain Briot This essay is the fourth in a four part series titled as follows: 1 - Finding Inspiration 2 - Exercising your Creativity...
Alain Briot

Alain Briot


October 17, 2013


68 minutes read