Harold has: 4 articles
Harold Merklinger

Harold Merklinger

Harold Merklinger is a retired scientist living in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. As a teenager he considered photography as a career, but after talking to a few professional photographers, he decided that there were probably other careers that would afford a better chance to appreciate photography as a hobby. His interests tend to be somewhat technical. In 1990 he wrote a book on photographic depth of field and followed that with a second one in 1993 on view camera focus and depth of field. Both books are currently available for download from his web site:http://www.trenholm.org/hmmerk/download.html

understanding Bokeh
Photographer Profiles

Rediscover - Understanding Bokeh

Understanding Bokeh Dr. Harold Merklingeris a well-regarded expert in the field of optics and author of several books on the topic. Boke (or Bokeh if...
Harold Merklinger

Harold Merklinger


July 11, 2018


18 minutes read

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The Leica M8 and Infra-Red Photography

Fisherman's Cove, Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia. Leica M8, ISO 320, 28 mm f/2.8 Elmarit ASPH at f/4.8 and 1/90 sec. A visually opaque Leitz Infa-Red...
Harold Merklinger

Harold Merklinger


August 27, 2012


11 minutes read

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Rules of The Game

What Are the Rules? By Harold Merklinger Mark Schacter's essay on these pages titled Am I a Photographic Cheat? invites answers. Photography, like many aspects of life,...
Harold Merklinger

Harold Merklinger


August 27, 2012


11 minutes read

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Canon Tilt-Shift Lens TS-E 24/3.5L Version II Review

This opening photo was taken with the Canon TS-E 24/3.5L, the original version, on a 5D Mk II at f/8. I have made prints of...
Harold Merklinger

Harold Merklinger


January 13, 2009


14 minutes read