Mike has: 122 articles
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston

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Jane Brown

Jane BownSMP Book of the Week:Faces: the Creative Process Behind Great Portraits It may come as a surprise to some readers that some very good...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


5 minutes read

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A First Lens

Choosing A First Lens for Large Format A few years ago, inPhoto Techniques, I published an article by Carl Weese about using a digital camera...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


6 minutes read

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Comparisons and the Odious

Comparisons and the Odious: Fakery, Actual and Conceptual A number of years ago I had a portrait commission that still makes me chuckle. I was...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


13 minutes read

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SM - Turning Pro

So You Say You Want To Turn Pro? We amateurs who shoot for ourselves have it easy. We can do "professional" work if we want...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


10 minutes read

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A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston © Mike Johnston 2002 Good morning! Never hesitant to gird myself with armor and plunge into the holy wars, I...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


11 minutes read

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  Sunday Morning23 June, 2002 A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston Caring for Your Cameras Once you've made an investment in one fine camera or several,...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


12 minutes read

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The Tale Told by Two Pictures

A Monthly Column By Mike Johnston I'm sure my recent columns have had something of the flavor of a zealous conversion. It's been a much...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


4 minutes read

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Mo' Betta

Mo' Betta Are We There Yet? Photographer Michael Friedman, writing in a thread called "16.7MP. Now What?" in the Canon 1D/1Ds forum on dpreview.com, asked...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


8 minutes read