We have: 6102 articles since 2001

An Amazon Portfolio

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An Amazon Portfolio

In April, 2007 together with world famous photographer Jay Maisel, colour management expert Andrew Rodney, and naturalist Fiona Reid, I lead anexpedition workshopon a riverboat...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


August 27, 2012


10 minutes read

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Pentax 67 Long Lens Comparison

600mm f/4 400mm f/4 ED(IF) + 1.4X300mm f/4 ED(IF) + 1.4X A Big Gun Shoot Out I'm always interested in determining for myself how different lenses...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


August 27, 2012


13 minutes read

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Giving Your Photos A Glow

© 2004, Glenn E. Mitchell II, Ph.D.ofThe Light’s Right Studio I was looking at some of the recent work of Michael Reichmann. I was struck...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


August 27, 2012


13 minutes read

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A Canon EOS-D30 Portfolio

My portfolios are usually classified and presented by subject matter or location. But, because of the huge interest in the newCanondigital SLR I have created...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


August 27, 2012


4 minutes read

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The Joys of Extended Depth of Field

THE YIN AND THE YANG As most experienced photographers know, the smaller the lens aperture, the larger the depth of field. Unfortunately, “what a small...
Mark Dubovoy

Mark Dubovoy


August 27, 2012


14 minutes read

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Mamiya 7 II - A Hands On Report

AnotherCamera? In late 2000 Jack Zyberk submitted a review of the Mamiya 7 II to this site. Though I had no personal experience with this camera system it seemed...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


August 27, 2012


14 minutes read

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Ebony RSW45

A Light-Weight 4X5FieldCamera Hats off toRobert Whitein the UK for commissioning this most excellent landscape camera direct from the manufacturer. Made from Titanium and Ebony materials,...
Nick Rains

Nick Rains


August 27, 2012


6 minutes read

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Hasselblad H3D On Location

By Nick Rains Some people accuse me of having an anti-Hasseblad bias. Nothing could be further from the truth. I own two H series bodies,...
Nick Rains

Nick Rains


August 27, 2012


8 minutes read

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