We have: 6100 articles since 2001


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Blue Hour in a Zen Meditation Forest

Blue Hour in a Zen meditation forest with camera in hand at the base of Mt. Fuji, and I was awoken out of my slumber...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


January 6, 2020


10 minutes read

Image No4 1

Understanding Focus

I often get asked for help on various matters photographic, and noticed a common denominator caused by confusion sewn when people try to teach less...
Tim Driman

Tim Driman


January 2, 2020


9 minutes read

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A sturdy base and some light – part 2 of a series of short reviews.

I’m not sure the huge Robus RC-5570 was ever meant to be set up to its full height inside a small apartment? The hot shoe...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


December 20, 2019


21 minutes read

4.Locked out
Photographer Profiles

Photographic Minimalism to the Max! The work of Marcus Cederberg

The nexus where the photographic, the photograph, design, and art meet, might look something like Marcus Cederberg’s images. I spent much of my youth traveling...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


December 2, 2019


6 minutes read

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Chasing The Light & The Photographer’s Mindset

Photographers have been chasing the light since the 1820s when Nicephore Niepce successfully recorded an image using camera obscura. Before Nicephore Niepce, there were pioneers...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


November 11, 2019


18 minutes read

Night 11 PZiemacki
Landscape & Environment

Artificial Light for Nature Photography

Photography is about playing with photons, at least in terms of conventional photography. Whereas in nature photography, with the exception of some underwater shots, it...
Przemyslaw Ziemacki

Przemyslaw Ziemacki


October 25, 2019


13 minutes read

IMG 1987
Landscape & Environment

Embracing The Strange

Plato wrote in one of his dialogues with Socrates: ‘He who has been instructed thus far in the things of love, and who has learned...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


October 23, 2019


8 minutes read

XT Front 30 3000x1839
Landscape & Environment

The camera as a tool for exploring the world.

An ordinary-sized human being (Apple’s Phil Schiller) with an enormous iPhone looming over him. A Phase One XT – a camera for contemplation and exploration....
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


September 13, 2019


21 minutes read