We have: 6055 articles since 2001


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EVOLVING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY INTO CINEMATOGRAPHY. Episode 01 - Stills to Motion - The Translation

The goal of this educational series is to provide inspiration on how you can successfully transition your photography into cinematography.  Often, when photographers start working...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


September 29, 2020


1 minute read

bus stop 1465

(Rediscover) Make it Long

A Preference for Long Lenses On a regular basis, a newbie will ask on one of the forums…”What wide angle lens should I get for landscapes“? Since...
Michael Reichmann

Michael Reichmann


April 25, 2020


5 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

On Printing and Paper Part III – Printers.

Big prints are impressive on a wall – this is nearly 8 feet long! Making your own prints, especially using a large-format printer that can...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


April 18, 2020


36 minutes read

sand dune sunrise2sm

7 Crucial Steps to Getting Colors Right in Landscape Printing

I read an article lately that was entitled – “Why Camera Manufacturers Are No Longer Relevant”. We can’t deny the fact that the latest smartphone...
Peter Dulis

Peter Dulis


April 11, 2020


12 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

On Printing and Paper Part II – individual paper reviews.

This image works well on a range of papers – I especially like Canson Infinity Platine and Aquarelle In this second part of the printing...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


April 3, 2020


28 minutes read

covid glass

Photography For a Dramatically Changing World.

There is no doubt that our world is undergoing a rare and accelerated change. A kind of forced rehab is upon us, demanded of every...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


March 23, 2020


5 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

On Printing and Paper Part 1 – overview, history and definitions.

Ansel Adams at his piano – he was a concert-level pianist, and almost decided to make his living that way... From the earliest days of...
Dan Wells

Dan Wells


February 24, 2020


23 minutes read


Visualization and The Evolution of Conscious Awareness

"No man steps in the same river twice, for its not the same river and he's not the same man". Heraclitus Is there a more...
Bruce Heinemann

Bruce Heinemann


January 14, 2020


10 minutes read